Period FIVE Group B
The Giver Chapters 7-13
All responses MUST be at least 4 sentences and contain textual support.
Period FIVE Group B
The Giver Chapters 7-13
All responses MUST be at least 4 sentences and contain textual support.
What is Jonas’ ability to see beyond? What does that imply for the rest of the community? - Mr. Cap
Based on Jonas’ experiences with snow and sunshine, what can you infer about the community? Use text evidence to support your answer. - Mr. Cap
“…The books are forbidden to citizens” (p. 102-black book, p. 128-white book). What does this quote imply about the citizens? - Mr. Cap
“Life here is so orderly, so predictable—so painless. It’s what they’ve chosen” (p. 103-black book, p. 130-white book). Explain the significance of this quote. - Mr. Cap
Do you think Jonas enjoys being the receiver? Why or why not?
-Lexie Seachrist
In the novel, we learn that about ten years before Jonas was "selected" for the receiver, the previous receiver died and the memories given to her were released to the community. The community became very chaotic, so I was wondering, why did the community go crazy?
-Jacob C.
Do you think Jonas's rules are fair? Would you add any or take any away? Explain. (Kayla Hechler)
Jonas' ability to see beyond is the color red. When he told the giver that something was off, he thought his ability to see beyond. The Giver ran a test. He said "You're beginning to see the red." This means that the rest of the community simply does not see colors, or know of them at all.
-Lexie Seachrist
I'd say his rules are very fair. Jonas will end up going through quite a bit of pain, as we have been told. Also, we learned that the community went crazy when some memories were released to the community. Therefore, the rules about being able to lie or to not tell his dreams to anybody are fair. The other rules such as, having to go to "the giver" as soon as school ends is fair because they can't waste their time hanging with friends because there's so many memories that have to be given to Jonas.
-Jacob C
Jonas's ability to "see beyond" is actually the ability to see color. This community is colorless and no one has ever seen it before. He is slowly learning colors with the giver and will soon be able to see them forever. He first noticed this happening when he was throwing the apple with Asher. It said, " It had changed in mid-air he remembered. He is the only one with this special talent which is a main component of why the Elders selected this job for him. (Kayla Hechler)
I honestly think that all the rules work for Jonas. Because of his job, the rules make sense for him. If these rules were for anybody else, I think that they would be a little unnecessary.
-Lexie Seachrist
If you were in Jonas' position, would you like being the receiver? Why or why not?
-Lexie Seachris
I think it all depends on the memories he receives. Jonas received memories of snow and sunlight first. At that moment, I think Jonas did enjoy being "the receiver." Other times, when he received dreams of the elephant being killed or getting burned by the sun, most likely weren't enjoyable by Jonas.
-Jacob C
The fact that Jonas didn't know what snow and sunshine was, makes me think that he was never taught it. This also makes me think that the community never experienced snow or sunshine therefore they do not know it. The text clearly states, " what happened to those things? Snow and the rest of it? climate control." This quote proves that people use climate control to take these things away.
-Lexie Seachrist
I think that before he started receiving horrid memories he enjoyed it. Small, happy things made him love his job. The ride on the sled was something enjoyable for him, and made him like the burden. Once he received some bad memories he didn't enjoy it as much. -Connor Varney
On the first day of Jonas's job, he was given the experience of snow and sunshine. He had never seen this, therefore leading me to think that this society has no weather. On page 103, he was fascinated by the experience and asked many questions regarding how and why it happened. This leads me to think that this society has never learned about weather or climate. Maybe the society didn't teach them this for a reason. (Kayla Hechler)
I would enjoy such a job. I think the experience of it would be thrilling. If you knew nothing but black and white, saw no difference in people, and felt no emotions, it would be a completely different outlook after seeing colours. Things would be thrilling and beautiful. Connor Varney
I think I'd be willing to have the position of "the receiver" because I enjoy learning about the past. It seems like what the receiver does is learn about things that happened before his time. I enjoy history, and this way, I'd be able to actually see history occur. It is true that some of the history isn't very pleasurable, but at least I'd be about to fully understand how people would have been feeling at the moment
Jacob C.
Do you think Jonas' family is proud of him for receiving this assignment? Explain.
I think the community went crazy because it was something nobody knew. Nobody felt those emotions or knew these things of the past. Being exposed to something so genuinely alienistic is scary. If you never knew colors, never knew emotions, and then you felt them, saw them, but only in some of the worst ways, you would likely be driven mad. Connor Varney
I think this quote implies that the citizens don't know much about the past centuries or the outside world. The text says, " they (books) contained all the knowledge." This makes me think that these books are only meant for the receiver for a reason. He is the only one who needs to know it all.
I think that after they learned that the chief Elder skipping his number was not a mistake, they were reassured. Although, I think they would like to know what exactly he is doing and how he trains. However, because of the rules on page 86, he cannot tell them anything. That job is a huge honor, and for only being selected every 10 years, they should be proud that it was their son chosen. (Kayla Hechler)
I think they would be, Something like that is a huge honor that should not be taken lightly. You know everything, see everything. You hold the past in your head until there is a new receiver. He gives advice to the highest of people, and never can leave until he gets rid of his memories. Connor Varney
Yes, I believe they are proud of Jonas for receiving his "selection." As they learned, the job would be very painful. Due to the fact Jonas was willing to handle the pain, I think Jonas' parents were proud. It's very honorable for Jonas to be dealing with the pain of his career by himself. I think they would be even more proud if they knew what his job truly was, since he has to deal with so many memories.
Jacob C
Jonas said in the text "They don't want to change." what he meant by this was that he thought the elders would not want to change the community. These quotes show that Jonas can now see what other people in his community can not. the elder basically have all of the power and control people. This might lead him to acting out.
-Lexie Seachrist
I would agree, but I must say that of those memories that arent pleasureable, your put in as one of the victims. You experience the Bubonic Plague and being in Auschwitz, for example. Things like that would be things (most) people wouldnt want to endure, even for a minute. I think your right in that you would learn how they truly felt, how "Feast or Famine" truly applied, and some pleasure, but things arent always happy. Connor Varney