IO 2.0
Warm Up Sequence
Personal Update
Origin Story
Follow up
Ask Me Anything
Testimonal Requests
Check in before going big
Flagship Article
Update about personal life changes, how things are coming along, and how things will be changing from here. leave with cliffhanger
Cliffhanger: Huge project in the works?
announce that I want to take a small group of people under my wing and teach them everything I know. Would they be interested?
It will take a ton of work, and I only want to do this if there is enough interest .
Leave a comment if this is something you'd be interested in
optin form for "free thing"
Studio Resource guide?
Final Call
Let people now enough people cared
Give them one last chance to sign up
Conveince them that I have something amazing to offer, and that I'm the best one in the world to offfer this
You'll get the product I'm creating now for free if you complete this suvey
link to 3 question survey
Release your free product
Promote free thing
Gather Testimonails
Get the green light
Will th
✅Warm Up Sequence
✅Personal Update
Check in before going big
Cliffhanger that leads to free thing
direct link to survey asking what free thing they want
Comb through survey data
Flagship Article
Sleep Lady Method
Clay Collins Method
Relieve tension from cliffhanger
Announce Free Thing
Let them know the free thing is coming, and they'll get it if they filled out the survey
Promote free thing
Gather Testimonials
Check in again
link to private post
reflective type post
Im OCD and want to make this perfect
Tradeoff - i want you to take part in creating this. give feedback, take surveys, and stay acvive. I'll give a 50% discount, and give you future perks
Let them know it's a go
Let them know they're "founding members" of this course. they'll get lifetime access to all future iterations of the course, and help shape the future of this flagship course for thousands of future students
tell them the response I received and that this coaching program is "a go"
Hold a contest
Give away prizes for (something)
Announce the offer and sell out
Create a private blog post with an overview
Let them know when to expect all of the nitty gritty details
Let them guarantee a spot by paying now
disclaimer: No refund? Maybe refund?
Disclaimer 2: Do not send me your LAST $500. If your funds are severely limited, that money is best kept in an emergency fund for your living expenses
officially open cart
Post sales letter and fill remaining sots