The Iliad: What you need
Book by Book
1.Plot (minimal, a few sentences or so)
- Major Characters (Incl. gods)
- Vocabulary
- Evidence of Barbarism
- Evidence of Civilization/Being Civilized
6.Quotations: Except for Book One
The Iliad: What you need
Book by Book
1.Plot (minimal, a few sentences or so)
Book One: Quarrel, Oath, and Promise:🔒
Book Three: Dueling for a Haunted Lady
Book Six: Interludes in Field and City
Book Four: A Bowshot Bringing War
Book 8: The Battle Swayed by Zeus
Book 14
Book 15
Book 12
Book 11
Book 13
Book 10
Book 18
Book 16
Book 21
Book 20
Book 17: SKIP
Book 19
Book 23
Book Two: Assembly and Muster of Armies 👥
Book 24
Book 22
Book Seven: A Combat and a Rampart
Book Five: A Hero Strives with Gods
Book 9
Evidence of Barbarism🔥
Evidence of Civilization:
Major Characters
Class Notes🖊
Homer talks about it like it is the normal to be taking women as slaves and pillaging
In this book, a quarrel starts between Akhilleus and Agamemnon because after pillaging the place, a man of worship/ a priest comes and asks for his daughter back from the soldiers. They say okay but Agamemnon will not give the girl back. This forces the priest to pray to Apollo who sends down sickness and disease down to the Akhaians. Agamemnon and Akhilleus then get into a huge fight and argue about the girl and Agamemnon gives in but takes Akhilleus' prize girl. Akhilleus takes an oath to not fight with the Greeks. Then, Akhilleus asks his mother, a goddess of the sea to ask Zeus to make it very difficult for the Greeks and to help the Trojans. Zeus agrees.
In this book, the Greeks have an army which civilized societies have. It is also organized.
The Greeks have a social hierarchy where certain people are of more importance than others and have more authority.
The soldiers and men were ruthless and pillaged and would not give back the priests daughter.
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Evidence of Civilization
Major Characters
Agamemnon: part of the House of Atreus, King of Mycenae, Leader of the Greeks, High King of the Greeks, Lord Marshall
Akhilleus: Greatest warrior in the Greek army, partly divine, dipped in the River Styx and vulnerable at the Achilles heel, Theleus is the mother of Akhilleus, Peleus the father, Akhilleus will die young and mom and son know it
Menelaus: brother of Lord Marshall Agamemnon, King of Sparta, his wife Helen ran away with Paris, most likely the start of the Trojan War
Zeus: Leader God, will make it hard for the Greeks
Hera: Wife of Zeus, demanding and nagging, watches very closely over Zeus.
In the night, Zeus decides to send a fatal dream in the form of Nestor the wise to Agamemnon that tells him to prepare the army to attack now but little does he know, the dream is setting up a trap. Then it goes into Agamemnon raising the men up, but backwards telling them they should leave but the men actually wanted to leave so it backfired. Then Odyssesus helps bring hope and stirs the men with the help of Athena.
A unified religion by which people stand by and worship/sacrifice
harangue: a lengthy and aggressive speech
punitive: inflicting or intended as punishment.
Athena tells the story of how the he snake killed the birds, it is the ninth year, Troy is about to fall and you cant go home. Troops agree to stay and fight. Nestor says that when they fight, they need to fight together in city groups from their hometowns with their respective kings. They must swear to Agamemnon they will fight to the death. All of the armies from all over Greece must walk past Agamemnon and swear their loyalty and honor. Then they get ready and form an army. The story switches to Troy and shows a guy saying that the Greeks are forming in armies and they should do something Hector then raises the Trojan army, and it has each of the armies of different cities going past hector. At the end, both armies are ready to fight.
Odysseus: helps stir the men
Agamemnon: tries to motivate the men
The herald: Athena in disguise
differ: to submit to
Sacrosanct: (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with.
Hector: Lead warrior of Trojans
Troops were unhappy with leadership and spoke against their leaderrs
Armies are very organized, civilizations combine to fight for one cause.
"Lord Agamemnon, son of Atreus, king, your troops are willing to let you seem disgraced in all men's eyes;..."
I believe this quote points to barbarism because it proves that the men just speak out against leaders and don't show pride or organization
The kings just take everything for themselves and don't care about taking other people's things
The kings just take everything for themselves and don't care about taking other people's things
The kings consult a council to help make decisions
Major Characters
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Evidence of Civilization
The two armies are prepared to fight and a man named Alexandros(Paris) comes in between and challenges one of the Greeks to say why shed all of the blood when we can resolve it with a one on one. Menelaos steps up to fight and Paris withdraws back into the Trojan ranks where he is called a coward by his warrior brother Hektor. Menelaos and Paris then fight for Helen and the Spartan Gold. Menelaos wins and beats up Paris. Meanwhile, Priam is asking Helen to point out warriors on the battlefield. After Paris loses, Aphrodite magically transports him into the bed of Helen before Menelaos kills him.
Helen: Wife of Menelaos, ran away with Paris
Menelaos: The Akhaian challenger, wife of Helen
Paris: A prince that challenged Menelaos, who also slept with his wife.
Hektor: Brother of Alexandros (Paris) Great warrior of the Trojans
Priam: King of Troy and their army
They had an organized army and the sides decided that they would spare the blood of thousands of men, and just have two men battle it out to determine the victor.
There wasn't much evidence of barbarism in this book. I think that the way the battle was fought could have been considered that because it was a more "street rules" like battle instead of sword fighting.
There were no new vocab words for me in the Book
"The Trojan squadrons flanked by officers drew up and sortied, in a din of arms and shouting voices..." I think this shows civilized society because it is an organized army.
Major Characters
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Evidence of Civilization
The book opens talking about the gods, specifically Hera, Athena, and Zeus. They are having a large discussion about the war. Zeus believes that the war should end because the city of Troy has always been loyal to him and it is dear to him, but Athena and Hera want it to continue. Zeus agrees but he says that if later in the future, when a city that they love is getting destroyed, they can't complain. Then it moves back to the war. Athena then seduces a man to take a bowshot at Menelaos because it will bring him great glory. Athena then deflected the shot so it wouldn't kill him. Agamemnon gives a kind of eulogy and is upset and angry. Agamemnon gathers the troops for war and then the battle commences and the two armies collide.
Dramatic distinction between Hektor and Paris, fighter vs lover in a sense.
The Trojans break the truce and oath they made, and they attacked Menelaos in the open. It was a "cheap shot" Also the battle was barbarous, and the book even describe them like wolves going after wolves
Agamemnon: Lord Marshall, brother of Menelaos, gathers the troops for war.
Menelaos: Brother of Agamemnon, gets shot by an arrow
Other Akhaian/Trojan commanders: Odysseus, Idomeneus, Hektor...etc.
Zeus, Athena, and Hera
Organization of troops as well as battle strategies.
"The chariot men he first instructed in the way of battle--charioteers to keep their team in line, not to be tangled, cut off in the melee:..."
This describes a strategy and plan, thus proving civilization
Cuirass: a piece of armor consisting of breastplate and backplate fastened together.
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Major Characters
Evidence of Civilization
Diomedes: great warrior of the Akhains, talks to Athena, gets helped by Athena
Aineias: Trojan aristocrat/hero, gets a rock thrown at him and it breaks the hip. Before he can be killed, Aphrodite saves him and brings him back to the city
Aphrodite: Helps the Trojans, saves some from battle
Pandaros: Great archer of the Trojans, killed by Diomedes after Pandaros shot him in the shoulder.
Athena: Major goddess, helps the Akhains, mostly Diomedes
Hera: wife of Zeus, major supporter of the Greeks
Apollo: god of archery and disease, persuades Ares to go attack the greeks
Dione: mother of Aphrodite
The standing armies, captains controlling their men.
I would describe the war in this portion as barbaric because people use any means necessary to kill an opponent and right after they kill someone, the try to strip them of their armor but then they get killed and a vicious cycle repeats.
The book starts with the two armies within the fight. It is an all out blood bath and men are killing each other and trying to take the others' armor. Athena made Diomedes strong and gave him ease and courage. He goes on a killing spree but is then shot by Pandaros with an arrow but it is a nonfatal wound. Diomedes prayed to Athena to let him get his revenge and she obliged. Diomedes became stronger than ever and was filled with a fiery spirit. He killed many sons and warriors. Next he moved on t Pandaros and Aineias. He kills Pandaros and then throws a boulder at Aineias which destroys his hip but he is saved by Aphrodite and taken back to the city. Diomedes hurts Aphrodite and tells Apollo who urges Ares to go down and fight for the Trojans. They rally and start to destroy the Akhaians. Athena and Hera ask Zeus if they can intervene and they help the Akhaians and Ares gets injured by Diomedes. In the end of the book. The gods all back out and watch from afar.
Trucelent: feeling or displaying ferocity : cruel, savage
Filly (plural: Fillies):a young female horse, especially one less than four years old
Major Characters
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Evidence of Civilization
Cipher: a secret or disguised way of writing; a code
Scrupulous: very concerned to avoid doing wrong/ diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details
Megaron: the great hall of the Grecian palace complexes. It was a rectangular hall, fronted by an open, two-columned porch, and a more or less central, open hearth vented through an oculus in the roof above it and surrounded by four columns
Alexandros: prince, brother of Hektor
Helen: wife of Menelaos, falls for Paris
Adromakhe: wife of Hektor and mother
Hektor: major Trojan Warrior,
Glaukos, the son of Hippolokhos meets up with Diomedes in the middle of the battlefield alone. Diomedes asks of his heritage and Glaukos tells the story. Diomedes remembers that their families are friends from long ago and they trade armor. Meanwhile, Hektor comes back to the city to find and talk to Paris. Women were making sacrifices to Athena asking if she could kill Diomedes but she turned away from them. Hektor then shamed Alexandros , and Helen has an interest in Hektor but he denies her. After that, Hektor starts looking for his wife Adromakhe while Paris is getting ready for battle. He finds here on top of the wall weaping because of what was happening on the battlefield and he comforts her and tells her that mortals cannot overcome fate, and everyone dies someday. The book ends with Hektor and Alexandros going out for battle.
I think the gods like Aphrodite, Athena, and Ares all act immature in this book which can kind of be like barbarism. Athena says that Diomedes can cut Aphrodite and then Aphrodite whines and gets upset even though she was out in the field. Ares also gets hurt and whines to Zeus even though he went and fought.
The city walls show sophistication
The armor and helmets shows advanced technology as well as the army
Prayers to gods that are agreed on by the society
The kindness of two soldiers on opposite sides that realized their heritages showed them as family friends
"No, you yourself handle your car and team. I'll take him on my good spear when he attacks." Chariots which are advanced
I didn't really find any evidence of Barbarism in this Book
"Each take the other's battle-gear; let those around us know we have this bond of friendship from our fathers."
Proves the respect of the family friends even though they are on different sides.
Chariots (cars)
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Major Characters
Evidence of Civilization
On Mount Olympos, Zeus orders that no one will be able to leave Mount Olympos to help the Trojans or Akhaians or they will be flung out of Olympos and stuck in Tartarus. Zeus then leaves and weighs the two sides on his scale, the Akhaian side falls down lower and Zeus turns the battle to the Trojans side. Hektor tries to attack Nestor but Diomedes saves him just in time and they retreat while Hektor is in close pursuit.
No new vocab words in this book for me
With the return of Hector and Paris the battle escalates, but Apollo and Athena soon decide to end the battle for the day. Hektor steps up and challenges one Akhaian to fight to call off the war. Menelaus steps up but is shut down so a lottery is held and Ajax must fight. Before any true injuries are dealt, Zeus calls off the fight and they exchange gifts. The two forces agree to have a day to honor the dead but Paris refuses to give up Helen. The Akhaians build fortifications.
Evidence of Civilization
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Major Characters
*Mr. Hunter's summary...Zeus decides he will leave the battlefield and thinks its over. Poseidon then helps the Akhaians. He makes Ajax/Aias super strong and they push the Trojans back, then a lull in the battle comes.
Evidence of Civilization
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Major Characters
When the lull in the battle occurs, the Greeks survey the scene. Even though they saved the ships, their losses were so costly it was almost a defeat. Hera wants to help the Akhaians so she pretends to be attracted to Zeus again, seduces him, and it gives time for Poseidon to help again. The Greeks then push back the Trojans and Hektor is injured so the Trojans route. *Mr. Hunter's summary
Evidence of Civilization
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Major Characters
Zeus comes back and is furious, and orders Poseidon off the field. He cures Hektor and makes the Trojans and Hektor very powerful. They relaunch the attack and Apolllo joins the fight and the Greeks are pushed back to the ships. Hektor touches a ship in the end. The Greeks are amongst the ships. *Mr. Hunter's Summary
Patroclus is able to wear Akhilleus' armor, but some ships are being destroyed in the process. Ahilleus then sends his troops with Patroclus and prays that the ships be unharmed and Patroclus return safe but Zeus only will grant one. The Trojans are pushed back and Sarpedon is killed so Zeus wants to kill Patroclus. Before the city falls, Apollo intervenes and wounds Patroclus and Hektor finishes him off. As Patroclus dies, he tells Hektor that he will be killed by Akhilleus in the near future.
Evidence of Civilization
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Major Characters
Major Characters
Evidence of Civilization
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Hektor leads the Trojans on to the ramparts and trenches that the Greeks built to protect their ships. The Trojans then break through and the Greeks become vulnerable. The Trojans abandon their chariots and route them. *Mr. Hunter's Summary
The soldiers and leaders have a debate which shows civilization
There is a barbecue, showing civilization also
The giving of slaves/slave trade
Plunder and pillage to make a living
Evidence of Civilization
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
Major Characters
The book begins with Agamemnon not being able to sleep. He sends some scouts to the Trojan camp, Odysseus and Diomedes. The Trojans also send out their scout Dolan to see if the Akhaians were still at the ships or preparing for battle. Dolan is then captured and killed after he tells them information about the Trojans. Odysseus and Diomedes then attack the Thracians who were unprepared. After killing there leader and soldiers, they stole horses and returned back to camp.
Evidence of Civilization
Major Characters
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
All of the Akhaian warriors were routed and even the son of Atreus wanted to return home to Argives. Diomedes then stands up and debates with Agamemnon, Ajax, Odysseus and Nestor about leaving. They try to get Akhilleus to come back by promising him gifts and many riches but he refuses completely and says he will return home and live a long life instead of the short prophesized life.
The Akhains call to arms and they try to hold their positions. Zeus then let blood rain. The battle was a stalemate at first but then the Akhaians broke the Trojan lines. Iris then gives a prophecy to Hektor and Agamemnon is injured. When the battle commences again without Agamemnon, Hektor and the Trojans massacre the Akhaians but Diomedes and Odysseus still inspire the Akhaians. They are then both injured. In the end, Akhilleus will not fight, but a plan is hatched with his armor
Trojan leader, Paris' brother
For Books 11-16, Short Summaries were given by Mr. Hunter and not much else was required to be filled out.
Major Characters
Evidence of Civilization
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
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No big things that were identified
No big things identified
the ruler of the gods
Trojan army leader
Great warrior of the Akhaians
Wise leader of some Akhaians
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Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
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In this book, Akhilleus routes the Trojans and kills a son of Priam. He throws bodies in the river and Xanthus the river god gets upset and makes a deal with him. Akhilleus then attacks the river when he hears it calling out and is almost killed but Haephestus saves him. The gods then get into a struggle and the Trojans flee int the city. Before Akhilleus can get into the city, disguised Apollo hold him off.
Major Characters
Evidence of Civilization
Evidence of Barbarism 🔥
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Major Characters
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In this book, Akhilleus basically goes on a killing spree and starts to slaughter Trojan soldiers and captains. Akhilleus showed no mercy and the earth ran with blood from his victims. Many tried to beg for mercy but he promptly cut them down.
Akhilleus: Akhaian soldier, best warrior
Coppice: an area of woodland in which the trees or shrubs are, or formerly were, periodically cut back to ground level to stimulate growth and provide firewood or timber.
Mire: a stretch of swampy or boggy ground.
Nothing that proves civilization except the epic simile about the ox which talks about domesticating animals and using them for farming
The ways that Akhilleus went about killing the Trojans were brutal and very barbaric. He is angry, but he shows no mercy.
"Then Tros, Alastor's son, sank at his knees and begged the Akhaian to take him prisoner, to spare a man his own age, not to kill but pity him. How witless, to imagine Akhilleus could be swayed! No moderate temper, no mild heart was in this man, but harsh and deadly purpose."
This Quotation show how Akhilleus showed no mercy and had no desire to stop killing or spare a man.
No Big Ideas for Civilization or Barbarism
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Hektor: Great warrior of the Trojans, brother of Paris
Zeus: The ruler of the gods
Poseidon: God of the sea, earthquakes, and equestrian things
Ajax/Aias: Strong warrior of the Trojans, almost as good as Akhilleus
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Major Characters
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Akhilleus continues to mourn Patroklos and to beat and drag Hektor's body around. Apollo convinces the gods and Zeus to let Hektor's body be ransomed. Priam goes through the Akhaian camp and reasons with Ahilleus who agrees to return the body. Priam and his driver leave with the body in the middle of the night with Hermes watching over. The Trojans mourn and burn the body on the tenth day of break in the battle.
In the beginning, the Akhaian men are still mourning Patroklos. Then Akhilleus and the men begin setting up a pyre for him to be burned on but the gods wouldn't let it burn or let Hektor's body be damaged. Akhilleus then prays and the fire sparks ablaze. The next day, competitions were held in his honor. Diomedes wins. There is some bickering but eventually they reconcile.
Akhilleus: friend of Patroklos, son of Thetis, warrior of the Akhaians
Hermes: a god, helps Priam get in and out of the Akhaian camp safely
Priam: King of the Trojans, father of Hektor
No new vocab words for me in this book
In the beginning, Hektor is the last Trojan outside the gates and refuses to come inside despite his parents' pleas. Zeus also contemplates letting Hektor live but Athena convinces him to let it be like before. Hektor and Akhilleus fight and Hektor is slain and his body is dragged around the city and abused be soldiers.
Akhilleus hears of Patroklus' death, he weeps and mourns greatly. Akhilleus then decides to avenge his friend even if he knows he will die soon after. His mother, Thetis says she will get him new armor to replace the stolen gear. Akhilleus then scares the Trojans by coming out of the tent. Patroklus is prepared for burial but will wait until Hektor is dead. Hephaestus agrees to make the new armor.
Thetis says she will keep Patroklus' body from rotting while Akhilleus fights. Akhilleus and Agamemnon reconcile with each other and the troops and Agamemnon gives him gifts and Briseis. Odysseus convinces Akhilleus to let the men eat before they fight but Akhilleus vows to fast until Patroklus is avenged.
Thetis: Akhilleus' mom
Akhilleus showed barbarism when he abused Hektor's body with his men
Also, when Akhilleus denies Hektor when he says to give his body to the Trojans.
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