The Awakening: By Christina Owen and JD
Syntax: The author uses syntax by using words specifically to produce a story. She uses words to describe things with whole long complicated ways or sharp and exact.
Imagery: In the awakening the imagery is shown with the quotes we have here using the ocean and the birds to produce it. The sea is the freedom and finally the bird is the feeling of being trapped.
Diction: The author uses very educated vocabulary to describe people or subjects in the story
Madam Lebrun: mother to Robert and Victor. Owns the places where the people stay on the Grand Isle.
Mr. Pontellier: husband to Edna. Spends little time with his family because he is always away for business.
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Edna: finds her self unhappy in her marrige and liffe at home. She separates from her family including her husband and kids because it doesn't make her happy. She becomes an independent and happy women and onyl does what makes her happy.
Adele: one of Edna's best friends. She is the opposite of Edna because she loves her husband and children. Adele helps Edna with her transformation from a housewife to an independent women.
Leonce: Edna's husband
"The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace." (pg 25)
"The sun was low in the west, and the breeze soft and languorous that came up from the south, charged with the seductive odor of the sea." (pg 23)
pg 28
There were strange rare odors abroad--a tangle of the sea smell and of weeds and damp, new-plowed earth, mingled with heavy perfume of a field of white blossoms somewhere near." (pg 46-47)
"The walk to the beach was no inconsiderable....either hand" (pg 27
"The voice of the sea is seductiveness never ceasing..Inward contemplation"
"The parrot fortunately offered no further interruption to the entertainment," (pg 41)
"The old owl no longer hooted, and the water oaks had ceased to moan and they bent their heads" (pg 54
"When do you go to the pigeon house? with all acknowledgement to Helen Day after tomorrow i shall sleep there." (Pg 85)
"Old Mo, and Monsieur Farvival, grandfather of the twins, grew indignant over the interruption and insisted upon having the bird removed and consigned to regions of darkness" (pg 41)
"A bird with a broken wing was beating the air above reeling, fluttering, circling disabled down, down to the water" (pg 115)
Robert: a young man that lives on the Grand Isle. Is known for having a summer romance with a new women each summer. He and Edna start to have a relationship and fall in love with each other.
Plot Summary: The Pontelliers (Edna and Leonce) are away on vacation for the summer with their family at the Grand Isle. Leonce is away on business making Edna not be around him a lot and she spends a lot of time with her friend Adele. Without her husband edna, learns what it is like to be independent. Edna has her "awakening" because she discovers herself and realizes that she doesn't want to be with her husband anymore. Edna has a summer romance with Robert. In the beginning of the romance it was more innocent but as it went on they grew closer. Edna finds that she has never felt this way before and it excites her. Robert leaves the island knowing that he is in love with Edna and Edna goes back to New Orleans knowing the same thing. When she is back in New Orleans Leonce does not know why Edna is acting this way. Their family physician suspects that she is having an affair. Edna has another affair with someone from their town for her sexual needs. Robert comes to New Orleans and openly professes his love for Edna. Adele is having a hard childbirth and Edna visits her, Adele discovers that Edna is more distant than ever. Adele tells Edna that she needs to be their for her children. Robert has left their house while she was visiting Adele. Robert doesn't even fulfill Ednas needs. She goes back tp the Grand Isle to commit suicide.