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What We Stand For (Savion - Family, Aarav - Love, Aarav- The Environment,…
What We Stand For (Savion - Family, Aarav - Love, Aarav- The Environment, Tamara - Animals, Viola - Love, Antonio - Anti-racism, Becket - Family, Aubrey - Integration (people of the different colors going to the same schools) , Becket - Sports , Avi - Education, Moxie - Clean Water, Logan - Sports, Logan - Honesty, Milo - Changing People's Perspective, Josie - Clean Water, Mae - Family , Sydney - Friends, Mayavita - Black Lives Matter, Sarah - Honesty, Zaydon - Black and White Not to Fight, Ozkar - My Country and My Friends, Phoebe - People with Disabilities, Sarah - Family, Iris - Animals, Cedar - Food for the Hungry, Billy-Jazz - Animals, Billy-Jazz - Play and Fun, Dunya - Homes for the Homeless, Gianna - Animals, Jack - Peace with Immigrants , Makaya - Technology, Earon - Anti-racism, Earon - Peace, Milo - Cure Illnesses, Aaron - Minority Representation (specifically in politics), Aaron - Quality of Life , Noon - , Paula - Animals, Paula - The Homeless, William - Sports , William - Family , Antonio - The Homeless, Noon - Anti-racism, Otto - Human Rights, Otto - Feminism, Otto - Religious Rights)