Alcohol, Lesson 3, Basina
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC): The amount alcohol in a persons blood
the ability to see distance or speed is reduced
takes harmful risks
You concentration is reduced
Drinking and Driving is illegal
Injuries or even death
Trouble within the law
drivers license taken away
Alcohol and Pregnancy
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): Alcohol while pregnant leads to birth defects that effects the child's physical and mental problems.
deformities of the infants body
Heart, liver or Kidney problems
Have disabilities
Have anxiety or isn't social
Craving: Need for alcohol
Loss of control: Can't stop drinking
Physical dependence: enable to control your body
Tolerance: Need for more alcohol in order to feel good
Alcoholics: People who are addicted to alcohol
Stage 1 Abuse: Physical and psychological dependence develops
Step 2 Dependence: can't stop drinking and suffers in life and won't ask for help
Step 3 Addiction: The person may be damaged and if they stop drinking it may effect the person harsh of withdrawl symptons
Effects in society
4th leading in accidental death
Violent crimes happen mostly, because of alcoholics
Ignore their emotional and physically needs and focus more of needing alcohol
Treatment: there are several ways to have an alcohol-free life
People become sober after they stop drinking for good
There are programs around the U.S to help stop drinking
Change in Behavior
Change in sleep
Damage to your body