Talc vs diamond
Colors are steel gray, White, Clear, Blue, orange, red, green, Pink to purple, Brown, and Black.
Chemical Formula is just carbon so C
Colors are Green, White, Gray, Brown, and Colorless
Chemical Formula is H2Mg3(SiO3)4
Strong man = Diamond
Weak man = Talc
The Hardness of the mineral on the Moh's scale is 1
Hardness is 10 on the Moh's scale
His color streak is white to Pale green
no streak
The luster is adamantine
Uses can be for rings and other accessories.
You can find it in the arkansas diamond mine.
The Luster of Talc is Pearly
Talc is found on the Eastern side of the appalachian mountain
Interesting facts About diamonds
Uses for talc is paper, plastic, food, rubber,
Diamonds are the birth stone for April
The are the hardest mineral that we know of.
The first used diamond engagement ring was in 1477
Interesting Facts about Talc
Diamonds are 100 miles below the ground
It takes millions of years to make the mineral
Cave dwellers used it in there paints
There is Talc in gum