Rock n Roll
Baby Boom Generation
How did the automobile tranform the economy?
They became an everyday thing
Jobs began to revolve around atuomobiles
Interstate system
Explain how this changed the landscape of America
development of houses
After World War II, there was an expansion of the population. This caused the need for more housing and other needs of people. Most people resorted to homes outside the cities like suburbs because there it was cheaper.
Over the next couple of years suburbs became very popular and helped the government to give GI bills to the veterans of World War II and the Korean War
Radio was abandoned
Poeple spent a thrid of their hours on the tv per day
Tide clean was one of the first commercial
Magazines came out.
Transformation of entertainment
The Playboy adds were risky so the maker didn't add his name
Silent actors with bongos
They hang around populated places.
Poetry with bongos
Altering music
It was considered satans music because children were changing dance moves
It was everything Suburbia wasn't
Generation change
Sports and everyday iesures grew in popularity
Tv's brought families together
Age of innocence
Lived in cold war fear
Optimism was shattered after president kennedy's assination
Over 4 million three hundred and eight thousand babies were born a year
Assembly line