English Advanced 2 - Lessons 1/2

Modals + perfect infinitive

Must have
feel sure about something in the past
Where’s my car? Someone must have stolen it!

Should have

Perfect infinitive = have + past participle

to talk about past events that did not happen.
He should have sent everybody a reminder by email.

to speculate (positive or negative) about events that may or may not have happened.
He should have arrived at his office by now.
She shouldn't have left work yet. I'll call her office.

to regret past actions.
I shouldn't have shouted at you. I apologise.

Raising hypotheses

What if...?

What happens if...?

Is it ok if...?

Would it be ok if...?

Would it work if...?

Could I...?

What would happen if...?

Askig for clarification

Sorry, but I´m not following...

I don´t understand, could you repeat, please?

Come again? / Sorry? / Excuse me? / I don´t get it.

Say that again

What do you mean?

Could you explain that again?

What do you mean by...?



Shall we begin dinner?

Future action
I shall/shall not be there by 8am

We shall overcome oppression.

I shall take care of everything for you.

Ought to

is used to advise or make recommendations
Margareth ought to exercise more.

She ought to receive the package tonight.

Future Perfect

Completed Action Before Something in the Future
By next November, I will have received my promotion.

Duration Before Something in the Future
I will have been in London for six months by the time I leave.

subject + will have + past participle (Aff.)
subject + will not have + past participle (Neg.)
will have + subject + past participle (Int.)

Passive voice

Subject + auxiliary (depends the tense) + past participle.

The car is designed.
The car has been designed.
The car was designed.

When it is more important to draw our attention to the person or thing acted upon
When the actor in the situation is not important

If is important to include a agent, we can use the conjunction by.
The tin can was crushed by the gorilla.

Perfect Continuous

subject + had been + verb(ing) (Aff)
subject + hd not been + verb (ing) (Neg)
Hd + subject + been verb(ing) (Int)

Duration Before Something in the Past
They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived.
How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?

Cause of Something in the Past
Jason was tired because he had been jogging.
Sam gained weight because he had been overeating.

Might have
She might have worked late.

Could have
She could have taken the wrong bus.

May have
She may have felt ill.

Can´t have
She can't have stayed at home.