Transactional Analysis Theory: The Basics

Ego States

The Parent Ego

Set of behaviors learned from our parents

Nurturing Parent

Critical Parent

The Adult Ego

Data processing center

The Child Ego

Memories of ourselves we have from childhood

Free Child

Spontaneous feelings and behaviors

Adapted Child

Learned to comply with the parental messages

Determining Ego States




Able to and encouraged to combine ego states depending on the different social situations


Crossed Transactions

Straight Transactions

Communications can continue indefinitely

How people interact with each other

Which ego state you're in

Combining Ego States


Unit of human recognition

Both positive and negative



Given for what we do

Has positives and limitations

Come to us for being

Life Scripts

Unconscious life plan from early childhood

Early decisions

Reacting to childhood situations

Existential Position

Basic life position

I'm (not) okay, You're (not) okay

Based on life events, usually from childhood

Positions can change