name medicinal plants and there usage.
Ginseng is the most widely used medicinal plant in the world, largely due to the fact that it is great for stimulating the immune system and increasing energy levels. It’s also been shown to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels
4.milk thistle.
6.witch hazel
Echinacea is used for helping to strengthen the immune system. The plant also has a history of effective use for treating sores, burns, wounds, bites and stings
bloodroot is a plant that can be used to treat cancer and to reduce the size of tumors. it also can be used for mouthmash and toothpaste.
milk thistle is most used for treatment in the liver.It is often used for treating liver or gall bladder disease, cirrhosis and hepatitis and may help protect the liver from damage due to alcoholism. The plant has also been used to help treat depression
sage is good for digestive issues and its effective for healing sore throats ,gum infections and ulcers.
witch hazel is used for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, inflammation, wounds and bruises. It has also been used in eye drops and to treat other eye problems. Witch hazel bark is used internally for treating diarrhea, colitis and dysentery
8.aloe vera
chamomile is used to treat problems of the digestive systems,broncihtis,cough or fever. it is also used to treat toothaches,earaches and inflammation.
aloe vera is used for speeding the the healing of skin conditions. and including burns n wounds.
slippery elm
9.tea tree
tea tree is used for stings,burns,wounds and many other skin conditions.
slippery elm is used to sooth mucus membranes found in the chest ,stomach,intestines and urinary tubules. it is also used for a treatment conditions like stomach ulcers,indigestions and sore throats.