Ordinary World You have not described this.
Find Enkidu
"Enkidu let me take you to the great wall of Uruk [...] I will challenge him and shout to his face that I am the almightist and I am the man who makes the world supreme. Not labeled.
Kill Humbaba
"Now we must travel to the the Cedar Forest where the fierce monster humbabba lives and we must kill him and drive out the evil in the world." Not labeled.
Refusal Of the quest
When they second guess to kill Humbabba
"why dear friends do you speak like a coward when we have came all this way"
Accepts the call to eternal life
Call to Adventure
"I will go and find Enkidu and eternal life".
Entering the Unknown There are other unknowns--the forest of the Humbaba, the garden of the gods.
Has to meet the scorpion people
"two scorpion people were posted at the entrance guarding the tunnel"
Finds the end of the world, runs through the tunnel, and the waters of death.
" the sun was hurtling toward the entrance. He had barley escaped. Before him the garden of the gods appeared" This quotation does not support your explanation as you say nothing of the garden of the gods and the quotation says nothing of the waters of death.
Supernatural Aid
the sun god helps Gilgamesh and Enkidu on their journeys and just seems to be hanging around them for support. How does he help? Quotation needed.
Gilgamesh asked his mother: Ninsum to tell Shamash good things about him and she does. Quotation needed.
Allies and Helpers Shiduri and Urshanabi?
"why dear do you speak like a coward? What you just said is unworthy of you. It grieves my heart. We must not hesitate".
Scorpion People
"The scorpion man said ever downward to through the deep darkness the tunnel leads. All will be pitch black and behind you all pitch black to either side. You must run through the tunnel faster than the wind, you have 12 hours".
" All men are lairs . When he wakes up, watch how he tries to deceive us. So bake a loaf for each day he sleeps, put them in a row beside him and make a mark on the wall for every loaf"
Tests and supreme ordeal These are two tests. There are more. Supreme ordeal?
Running through the tunnel
"At the ninth hour he felt a breeze on his face, deep was the darkness, with no light at all before and behind him on either side. For the tenth and eleventh hour he ran[...] at the twelfth hour he emerged from the tunnel into the light. The sun was hurtling toward the entrance, he barely made it.
Fighting Humbabba
"who among men or the gods could defeat Humbabba? Humbabba is the forests guardian , Enlil put him there to scare the men away".
Reward and the journey home
300 poles
" when all 300 poles had been used. Gilgamesh took urshanabi's robe. He held it as a sail, with both arms extended and the little boat moved toward the shore". ?? What does this refer to?
Master of 2 worlds/restoring the world
Learns the importance of his kingdom
Gilgamesh said to Urshanabi " this is the wall of Uruk, which no city on earth can equal. See how its rampers gleam like copper in the sun." Good.
"I will give you something for your journey home, a mystery, a secret from the gods. Here is a small spine bush that grows in the waters on the great deep, it has sharp spikes that will prick your fingers like a roses 's thorns. If you find this plant and bring it to the surface, you will have found the secret of youth". This needs to be attached to The Reward and Journey Home.
Ashely, This map includes some good details about Gilgamesh's journey, but there are problems with how it is organized: several of the text boxes are not labeled or attached to a label. Moreover, not all information is thorough, not is all supported with quotations.