Themes in The Merchant Of Venice






"Hie thee, gentle Jew. the hebrew will turn christian; he grows kind.
(1.3 173 -174)

In this quote, Antonio uses verbal irony. Throughout the story he is very rude to Shylock because of their different faith.He doesn't mean to say 'gentile Jew'. what he actually means is the opposite.

"This kindness will I show...In what part of your body pleaseth me"
(1.3 139-147)

"For suff'rance i the badge of all our tribe...And all for use of that which is mine own"
(1.3 105-108)

"For she is wise,if i can judge of her...Shall she be placed in my constant soul.
(2.6 54-59)

This quote shows the love between Lorenzo and Jessica. Lorenzo doesn't care if Jessica is rich. They only thing he cares about is his love for her.

"I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it...Lie all unlock'd to your occasions.
(1.1 135-139)

"You shall not seal to such a bond for me; I'll rather dwell in my necessity.
(1.3 150-151)

This quote shows how Shylock wants to seek revenge from Antonio. In the past, Antonio did a lot of cruel things to Shylock for being a Jew. Shylock wants revenge by asking for a pound of flesh.

This quote shows that Antonio is greedy for money. Shylock recalls everything that Antonio did to him. Antonio despises Jewish people but when it comes to money he doesn't care if Shylock is a Jew.

This quote shows how much Bassiano and Antonio care for each other. Bassanio doesn't want Antonio to take such a big risk for him and Antonio is willing to give up anything for Bassanio

This quote demonstrates the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio. Antonio will give Bassanio whatever he asks for.

"Mislike me not for my complexion"
(2.1 1)

In this quote, The Prince of Morocco feels the need to apologise for his complexion because he thinks Portia might discriminate against him for his skin colour.

"To be ashamed to be my father's child!...Become a Christian and thy loving wife."
(2.3 16-20)

This quote explains how Jessica loves Lorenzo so much that she is willing to leave her father for him and convert into Christian, knowing how much he hates them.