Native American Tribes Bender
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Geographic and Cutlural regions of the tribe Canadian Shield- horseshoe shaped around the Hudson Bay, hundreds of lakes carved by glaciers, oldest rock formations. 💥 Alaska & Northen Canada- tempatures below freezing
Resources ✅ Capital Resources Canoes, Dogsleds, and Igloos Natural Resources Snow, Water, and Whales Human Resource Hunter, Fisherman, and Mushers
Other interesting facts- - Fact One- They participate in throat singing Fact Two- The whales they catch can feed a village for 6 weeks. Fact Three - They play a game called the Bone Game
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Geographic and Cultural regions of the tribe Pacific Northwest- Rainy and mild climate and by the Pacific ocean so they could fish and they got almost all of the rain coming down from the north or the snow and they ate a lot of fish but they also ate other animals, not just fish.
Coastal Range- Rugged mountains along the Pacific Coast that stretches to California to Canada and fertile valleys and mild climates.
Resources Capital Resources Clan houses or Plank houses Fishing pole, Hammer, and Boats
Natural Resources Trees, Water, and lots of rain
Human Resources Fisherman, Hunter, and Builder
Other interesting facts Fact one- They build totem poles to express their life. Also their achievements and how brave they.
Fact Two- They had big parties called " Potlatches " and at the potlatch they celebrated and dance and they expressed their wealthiness and they handed out gift bags after their party which normally contained blankets and other items used on a daily basis. Fact Three - Their homes are 15-20 tall and they were big so multiple families can fit in the house and they were called Clan houses or Plank houses and since it is rainy and mild the roofs were slanted so the rain would slide off the roof.
Geographic and Cultural regions of the tribe
Eastern Woodland- Heavily forested with lots of long houses and not much sun because they have a lot of trees in that region
Interior Lowlands and Appalachain Highland- Old, eroded mountains also rolling flatlands with many rivers, broad river valleys, and grassy hills
Resources Natural Resources Trees, rivers, and valleys
Capital Resources long houses, canoes, and hammers
Human Resources Hunter, Person who builds houses and cooker
Other interesting facts Fact one- It is east of the Mississippi River.
Fact Two- They would make sugar from the sap
Fact Three- Several famlies lived in the long houses since they were so big
Geographic and Cultural regions of the tribe Southwest- The southwest was a challenging place for the Pueblo to adapt to, The area is characterized by high cliffs and it is very hot and arid.
Basin & Range- The basin & range is a region with death defying valleys and withs lots of vallyes including Death Valley .
Resources Natural Resources Mud, Straw, and cotton Capital Resources Their houses Pueblos, bows, and sharp stones Human Resources Hunter,Farmer, and Clothing maker
Other interesting facts Fact one- they lived in multi-family dwellings called Pueblos
Fact Two- their houses are made out of stone an mud and adobe which is mud and straw
Fact Three-They would use the skins and fur for clothing, blankets, and other necessities
Geographic and Cultural regions of the tribe Great Plains- flat dry grasslands with very few trees. The flatland of the Great Plains gradually increases in elevation westward, as it nears the Rocky Mountains. Also the Geographic and Cultural region ^
Resources Natural Resources buffalo, plants and natural fibers
Capital Resources Teepees, bows, and arrows
Human Resource Hunter , Women Cook, and horse riders forcing the buffalo over the cliff.
Other interesting facts Fact One- The Lakota were a nomadic group which means they didn't set up a permanent home
Fact Two- The men and boys were the ones who went out to hunt buffalo in the summer and fall.
Fact Three- The men would often disguise themselves as an animal or would get the buffalo to stampede over a cliff.