What I now know about social media
Where I hope to take and go with social media
Where I started with social media
A general recognition of protecting the privacy of students specifically personal information and marks.
FIPPA & PIPA & the Office Information and PrivacyCommissioner
Social justice
How to build an information and consent package including a risk assessment for using a social media tool
Privacy Guide for Faculty Using 3rd Party Web Technology (Social Media) in Public Post-Secondary Courses
Informed consent & privacy agreements
Create a level playing field in the classroom
Activities at VIU Deep Bay Marine Field Station
Public school K-12
Blended learning at VIU
Build a professional digital footprint
Understand cloud technology terms of service agreements and privacy settings
Fear of exposure, privacy breaches,my image
The smaller the digital footprint the better
Minimal use of coud accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Picassa, Flickr
Social media only useful for socializing and wasting time
Identify the risks
Digital professionalism & footprint
Role model of ethics and honesty
Best defense is strong professional footprint
The Child, Family and Community Service Act of BC (1996) & my duty to act
BC MOE, BCTF Code of Conduct & the Shewan decision
Where is data stored?
Patriot Act of the USA
VIU's guidelines for using information and cloud technology, FIPPA and privacy