Artifact Cataloguing Workshop

In the Field

In the Office

At the Repository

Legal Obligations

Heritage Conservation Act

Definition: HERITAGE OBJECT - means, whether designated or not, personal property that has heritage value to British Columbia, a community or an aboriginal people

  • this includes objects and data

3(1) The minister must establish and maintain one or more registers, to be known collectively as the Provincial heritage register, for the recording of the following:
(a) Provincial heritage sites;
(b) Provincial heritage objects;

7(1) The minister may...establish policies and standards for the identification, conservation, management and disposition of any heritage site or heritage object owned or managed by the government.

12(3) A permit issued under subsection (2)(a) may include requirements, specifications and conditions that the minister considers appropriate and...the permit may
(d) specify a repository for heritage objects that are removed from the heritage property.
(6) The minister may, by order, without the concurrence of the holder of the permit,
(b) cancel a permit issued under subsection (2)(a) if the minister has reasonable grounds to believe that
(ii) the holder has contravened or is in default of a requirement or condition of permit, whether or not the holder is charged with an offence under this Act...

14(5) The provisions of section 12 ...(3)... apply to permits and orders under this section

20(1) To further the objects of this Act, the minister my do one or more of the following...
(c) conduct and arrange exhibits or activities to inform and stimulate the interest of the public in any matter related to the purposes of this Act;
(f) assist in or undertake research, study or publication respecting heritage conservation;
(g) provide grants, advice and services to other parties having aims and objectives consistent with the purposes of this Act...

37(2) ...the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations as follows
(b) respecting the form, content and manner of giving information for registration in the Provincial heritage register under section 37
(d) prescribing fees for a service, or for use of or admission to a facility, under this Act

Permit Application (S 14 & 12)

  1. The permit-holder shall arrange for a secure repository to curate any materials recovered under the authority of the permit
  1. Heritage objects and associated materials recovered under authority of the permit may not be sold or exchanged for financial gain. Any other transfer of heritage objects, materials and records, or changes to the conditions identified under the "Disposition of materials collected..." section of the permit, may only be carried out with prior consent of the minister.

8. The permit-holder shall conform to all requriements that may be imposed by the insititution or organization named in the "Disposition of materials collected..." section of the permit.

  1. Nothwithstanding expiration or earlier termination of the term of the permit, provisions with respect to the "Disposition of materials collected..." section shall remain and continue in full force and effect.

Bag objects by level-

Bag level bags by unit

object ID in the field

silt stones

historic material retention policy

historic material should be documented in the field, sampled, photographed by unit & level

sampling guidelines

ensure secure context

click to edit

plan ahead

store samples once to cut down on possible contamination

know if samples need to be pre-treated and document this process

ex. do your samples need to be dried?

include sample processing in budget and stand firm on dating


ensure plan is in place to document milestones, even if these are negative for results

Wet site plan

wet site kit

field treatment

communicate with repository

build into budget

know about treatment options

explain role of provincial catalogue

assign catalogue numbers in logical sequences

by EU and level rather than by type

Use catalogue template from repository (if one exists) (RBCM default)

use photo log, sample, and level forms

Importance of documenting numbers used in reports and site forms

troublesome to use internal numbers

use start and end numbers, and total, for clarity

timelines for processing and requesting catalogue numbers

when can you request #s?

photo plan

purpose of photos




duplication (NO)

wet object measurement and documentation


When to request repository use


how we receive material

storage explained




kinds of material accepted

Access for permit apps

Purpose of Museums Act

Right of refusal