Berakhot 5a

Seder Eliahu Zuta 2

All of the texts of halacha were given to Moses directly from God, on Mount Sinai.

Hands Holding Earth

This portrays that God has is the one who created and gave us all, the halacha. God is the one who determined halacha and is a leading role in Jewish Law.

There is a king that gave two of his servants that he loved wheat and a bundle of flax. One servant makes use of out the materials, and the other one does not, the king sees what was done and favors the servant that was productive with what he had rather then the one who did nothing.


We learn that God gave us halacha and expects us to follow and make use out of them. The king did something similar by giving the servants flax and wheat to work with. God wants us to use halacha to create and invent things that will help us grow as human beings. He also wants us to follow halacha and apply it in different ways to our lives.

Matthew Makabeh

Shabbat 88a

Moses and the Jews stood at the mountain receiving the halacha from God, and God says that if they do not follow the halacha then they will be killed, but if they do then everything will be good. The Jews then decided to accept and follow the halacha willingly.


This text shows us that at first God had made it mandatory for the Jews to accept the halacha he presented. The Jews were told that they would be buried if they did not follow the halacha so they did not have a choice. Although, the Jews had already accepted the halacha, but now their duty was to satisfy it.

Bava Metzia 59b

A group of Rabbis were fighting about weather a oven was pure or impure, and all said impure, expect for Rabbi Eliezer. Eliezer was trying to prove his opinion by showing them Godly occurrences, but none believed it, and decided to excommunicate him, and said "mitzvot are on earth, not in heaven" meaning that this does not have to do with God.


This exemplifies that the Jews have taken the halacha that God has given them and put them into use. Also, how Jews do not always need God to intervene in difficult dilemmas having to do with halacha because we have studied it enough to make decisions on our own. The texts also states how God laughed and said that "My sons have defeated me", which means that he thinks that the people's word now has more affect than his does.

Eruvin 13b

There was a conflict over halacha between the House of Shammai and the House of Hillel. God then intervened and said that the House of Hillel is right because they are humble and they teach both sides, so in result they will have authority over halacha.

God is the authority figure, and is the one who decides which side is correct and should lead the halacha. Although, God respects both sides because even though they were arguing they were still talking about halacha as every Jew should. God makes the decision that the House of Hillel should have authority because they were respectful towards their opponents, and even taught what the other side was saying before their own.


This picture is of two large hands holding the earth, representing a figure with much authority and more powerful than us. The two hands represent God and how God is "holding us" and keeping us together. It shows how he is a powerful being who created this earth and is the ruler, therefore being the one who created all of the halacha that we live by.

This image represents what I spoke about above because it shows how humans have taken materials given by God, such as wood, and created shelter. Humans are given many different resources, and we are expected to do something with them that we can apply and use in our lives. This correlates with Seder Eliahu Zuta 2 because the servants are given materials to work with by their king and we are given materials to use, by God, and are expected to make something out of it .

This is a picture of when Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh with their staffs that turned into snakes as a way of threating to get their freedom. Pharaoh's servants had staffs that did the same, expect Moses's snake was more powerful and ate all of the servant's snakes, but this still did not impress Pharoah and he did not release the Jews. This picture represents the idea that I stated above because it shows how Pharaoh disregarded the fact that God was involved and chose to keep the Jews captive.

This is a picture of a man being strangled with a knife to his neck. This picture represents what was mentioned in the text above because it shows a man being held, forced to do something or he will be killed, just like the Jews were when God presented the Halacha. The Jews were forced to make a decision and their lives depended on it, so obviously the Jews were going to accept and follow the halacha becasue that is the logical choice.

This is a picture of two soccer teams shaking each other's hands before they begin their match. This represents what is said in Eruvin 13b because it shows the two teams being humble and showing respect to each other. Teams often do this before and every game as a sign of respect and to wish them luck, and this shows that even though they are "enemies" they still want to show that they are humble. The House of Hillel showed their kindness and humbleness, just like these athletes do, even though the House of Shammai did not.