Developing American Identity 1820-1880

Temperance (Alcohol)



Abolitionist Movement

Religion/Utopian Society

Calvinism - Puritan teachings began to become unpopular in place of more forgiving teachings

In this,Timothy Dwight inspired more to become preachers, teaching of forgiveness - more liberal ideas

These teachers were easily understood by the uneducated, proposed people to prove for themselves rather than just automatically believing their preachers like Puritans

"Hell and Brimstone Revivals" in NY, Charles Finney began a series of sermons saying that if people just revived their faith, they wouldn't be fated to damnation - appealed to peoples emotions, esp middle class

Baptists and Methodists

prominent in the south, as western frontier expanding, "circuit preachers" became popular - preachers like Peter Cartwright would go around in dramatic preaching at camp meetings - activated many members who had never belonged to a church

became the largest denominations quickly bc of this

Millennialism- now Seventh Day Adventists

believed the 2 coming was going to happen on oct 21, 1844. William Miller gained thousands of followers with his teachings - never happened but people still believe it will come sooner than most expect


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

founded by Joseph Smith - 1830

based of Book of Mormon - connection btwn American indians to lost tribes of Isreal

Smith was murdered, and new leader Brigham Young moved group to New Zion (what they call their community) to Salt Lake City, Utah

Their practice of polygamy aroused hostility in society and govt

severe consumption of alcohol led to believe it was reason for social ills

started with religious communities, preaching to abstain completely, then recovering alcoholics argues it was an actual disease, formed the Washingtons - group to support each other

German and Irish immigrants largely opposed, but had little political standings

politicians and factory owners believed less alcohol would mean less crime/poverty and more job productivity

Maine became first state to completely abolish it rather than just heavily tax, soon other states followed

didn't lead to 18th amendment until Women's Christian Temperance Union stepped in

pushed for real help and practical treatment for those with the disease

very few people had access to education, esp middle class and poor, immigrants and native-born

free schools (tax Money)

Free Common Schools

Horace Mann - advocate, sec of Mass board of edu, worked for compulsory attendance, longer school year, and increased teacher prep

Moral Education

Mann as well as PA teacher William Homes McGuffey - wanted not only literary based but moral edu, including stressed importance of hard work, punctuality and sobriety - needed in the emerging industrial society

this religious edu lead to roman catholics making their own private schools for their specific teachings

Higher Education

the religious enthusiasm also led to private colleges

protestant denominations began small colleges, esp in newer west states - ohio, iowa, illinois, indiana etc.

also, colleges like Mount Holyoke in Mass and Oberlin College in Ohio began to admit women

adult edu furthered by lyceum lecture societies - brought educated speakers to small towns

mainly in cities, womens roles began to change

birth control more used, decreased fam size and allowed them to focus on other things

The NY Female Moral Reform Soc worked to help young poor women from becoming prostitutes

Cult of domesticity

idealized view of women as moral leaders in home - happened bc men started to work in factories so not home as much to be the moral figure for kids


suffragettes also tended to be abolitionists

figures in this time period - Sarah and Angelina Grimke, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Seneca Falls Concention

first ever womens rights meeting

wrote declaration of sentiments - declared "all men and women are created equal" and wrote down all the wrongs done against them

after this, Stanton and Susan B Anthony led lots of peaceful protests and such for womens rights - including job pay voting etc

opponents of slavery ranged from gradually getting rid of it to radical violent protests to immediately dismantle it

American Colonization Society

wanted to make free slaves on colony - established in Liberia, Africa - not very successful, only about 12,000 freed slaves settled there

American Anti-slavery Society

William Lloyd Garrison - founded the Liberator, newspaper that marks the beginning of the radical movement. Called for immediate release of slaves without compensation to the owners

Liberty Party

Garrisons radicalism soon led to split - formed the liberty party, believed political route would be more effective than moral crusade - ran James Birney for president in 1840

Black Abolitionists

Fredrick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, David Ruggers, Sojourner Truth

escaped/freed slaves most advent

Douglass founded North Star - able to testify to the brutality of slavery - believed political action and moral crusade together effective

Violent Abolitionists

David Walker and Henry Highland Garnet - 2 northern AA, advocated for radical change

Nat Turner, led bloody revolt, killed 55 whites - the whites then brutally attacked and murdered as a example hundreds of blacks - slowed down all the revolts due to the outcome