Ray Charles
He left school at age 15 to play the piano
His father had died when the boy was 10
He attended the Augustine School for the deaf and blind
At the age of five, Charles watched his four-year-old brother drown in a laundry tub despite his efforts to save the boy
He began to go blind at six
He made several records for the Swingtime record company
Charles's singing of romantic songs continued in the smooth tradition of Nat King Cole
A television ad for Pepsi in the 1990s helped make sure that Charles would be known to a new generation of music lovers
He appeared in films such as Ballad in Blue, The Blues Brothers, Limit Up, and Spy Hard
He won ten Grammy Awards from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.
He was blindness and poverty
His mother's death
His brother's death
Apartheid and discrimination
He overcame his father's death
He was struggling with a powerful drug addiction
He endured all these obstacles and continued to be one of the greatest musicians of our time
He love music
He can play piano and singing very well
He work with many famous people
He use his final money to make a orchestra