Eurycleia was told by Odysseus to go and get Penelope and wake her from sleep. Penelope was upset that Eurycleia had woken her and did not believe anything she was telling her. However, after Eurycleia urged her that it was the truth, Penelope came down to see the man who had killed all the suitors. After being face to face with her husband, she was in shock and still did not believe it was indeed Odysseus. She thought that is was a god playing tricks on her. Telemachus started chastising his mother for not being more joyful that Odysseus is finally home. She was waiting for living proof it was really him. The maid, Eurynome, cleaned Odysseus, rubbed his entire body with oil, and cloaked him with a royal cape and tunic. Athena, again, made Odysseus younger looking, with a taller and more massive build and perfect curls. He then went down to see Penelope. She still refused to acknowledge that he is truly Odysseus, so he decided to sleep alone. To test whether he was truly her husband, Penelope told the maid to move the bed out of her room. With that, Odysseus became very upset and then started explaining how the bed is bound to the house and he built it himself. Penelope, knowing that no one else could ever know that, she accepted him and they fell into each others arms. After Odysseus revealed his final task to go and carry an oar to parts of the land that are unfamiliar with the sea, Eurynome led the couple to their room. Everyone in the palace had fallen asleep except for Penelope and Odysseus. Penelope didn't fall asleep until Odysseus finished telling her every story about his journey home. Once he finished his stories, the two fell asleep together.