5 Pillars of Islam \ Ten Obligatory Acts
"There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger"
said at birth and death, as well as in the call to prayer
people can convert to Islam by saying it
Muslims should pray 5 times a day at sunrise, noon, late afternoon, after sunset and late evening
each prayer cycle includes saying "Allahu akbar" multiple times as well as reciting the first surah of the Quran
most people go to Friday prayers at the mosque and are led by an imam who also gives 2 sermons
salah keeps Muslims in close contact with Allah and encourages moral and spiritual discipline
wudu - washing before prayer, ensure cleanliness and purity spiritually and physically
involves distributing wealth as they believe wealth is given by Allah so should be used to serve him
usual amount is 2.5% of a person wealth each year
often given to charities or mosques and is a sign of concern and generosity
Muslims must fast between sunrise and sunset during the month of Ramadan
- children don't have to fast until their around 12 years old
- old people don't have to fast either
- if medical reasons prevent them from doing so e.g. pregnant or breastfeeding women
Muslims should also abstain from music, sex, smoking, bad thoughts and actions
supposed to help understand hunger so they are more willing to help others
this is the pilgrim to Makkah and should be done at least once in their lifetime only if the can afford it and are healthy enough
Hajj occurs every year during the month of Dhu'l-Hijjah
is done to show that everyone is equal in Allah's eyes
helps Muslims feel the real importance of life by stripping away all markers of social status, wealth and pride
ten obligatory acts
followed by Shi'a Muslims
Salah, Sawn, Zakah, Hajj, Khums, Jihad, Amr-bil-Maroof, Nahi Anil Munkar, Tawalla, Tabarra
- a type of tax they pay each year on any excess money they earn at a rate of 20%
- it goes towards supporting Islamic education
- greater Jihad - personal struggle to live a good life
- lesser Jihad - struggle to make the world a better place and defend Islam against its critics
Amr-bil-Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar
- Amr-bil-Maroof - directing others towards good and justice
- Nahi Anil Munkar - commanding what is just and forbidding evil
Tawalla and Tabarra
- mean "love" and "aloofness"
- Muslims should love those who follow Allah and shouldn't associate themselves with anyone who's an enemy of Allah or Muhammad