Place the appropriate SAM card on the encoder when the LED light begins to flash. Select the Get other sectors if unable to get selected checkbox if required. This option allows the SALTO software to select another key sector if a selected sector is already in use by another application. Select the Enable MAD reserved sectors checkbox if required. This enables the MAD key and secures reserved sectors on the key for the SALTO software. Select the checkboxes for the appropriate key sectors in the Mifare 1K panel. When you select the checkbox for each sector, this reserves it for the SALTO software. However, you must issue keys for the changes to take effect. This can be done by assigning the keys to users. If you make changes to this selection subsequently, they take effect when you update keys. See Assigning User Keys and Updating Keys for more information. Note that you can only reserve sectors in keys if you are using a SAM card distributed by SALTO. The amount of space reserved for SALTO data in keys is displayed in the Assigned memory field. You cannot manually amend the value that is shown in this field. Repeat the process to complete the configuration for the Mifare 4K, Mifare Plus 2K, and Mifare Plus 4K options in the Card type panel. When you select each option, the screen is updated to show the appropriate configuration fields. The checkboxes and the number of key sectors available vary for each option.