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Endocrine System (General Concepts (Homeostatic control (Endocrine cell…
Endocrine System
General Concepts
Endocrine glands
Ductless glands, secretions delivered by blood to target tissues
Three types of hormones
Steroid hormones
Insoluble in plasma, transported via carrier proteins, synthesized and secreted on demand (cannot be stored), conversion in target tissues
Secreted by adrenal glands, gonads and placenta
soluble in plasma, short half life, in medulla of adrenal gland
Types of reflex loops
Hormonal control
- e.g. anterior pituitary
- H1 is tropic hormone for H2
Substrate Control
e.g. pancreatic islet, parathyroid
Quantitative assays
Can tell quantity, but cant tell if active
Thyroid Gland
Follicular Cell function
Thyroglobulin produced by RER of follicle cells and secreted into the lumen of the follicles for storage as colloid
Luminal membrane bound peroxidase conjugates adjacent pairs of tyrosines and adds iodine to the tyrosine residues
In the absence of iodide, TH is not made
In response to TSH, iodinated thyroglobulin is endocytosed and cleaved to generate TH, which leaves the gland by a transporter (MCT) to enter the blood
Normal thyroid to serum ratio is 25:1, but in hyperthyroid, excess TSH can increase Na+-I symporters, increasing the activity and raising the ratio to at least 250:1
central regulation
Hypothalamus: parvocellular cells of PVN secrete TRH, which determines set point for axis
Goes to pituitary, secrete TSH, used to assay activity of thyroid gland
Thermal signals, caloric signals, leptin from fat regulates
Specific Tissue Actions
Hyper: increase HR, contractility and cardiac output, vasodilation
Hypo: mental Fog, lethargic, fatigue
Hyper: anxious, hand tremors, anxiety, weakness
Hypo: dry and puffy skin, hair loss, cold intolerance
Hyper: sweaty skin, heat intolerance, dryness or bulging of eyes
Grave's disease
T3 and T4 levels are high, TSH low
Thyroid storm
True Emergency: Tachycardia, sweating, high fever
Treat with beta blocker, propylthiouracil (PTU) to inhibit iodination of thyroglobulin and D1 activity
Adrenal Glands
Adrenal gland produces 3 major classes of hormones, net effect to maintain electrolyte balance, BP, plasma glucose levels and to suppress immune system
in absence of aldosterone, plasma K+ levels increase with dietary intake and can reach life threatening levels
receptor found in many epithelial cells, including those that line the distal tubule of kidney and colon
decrease inm serum K inhibits ANGII -stimulated release of aldosterone to prevent severe hypokalemia
acutely, ACTH from anterior pituitary will stimulate aldosterone production from z. glomerulosa, but aldosterone does not regulate the H-P-Adrenal axis (ACTH asecondary activator of aldosterone
Aldosterone bind to mineralcorticoid receptor of principal cells in kidney, increasing transcription of Na+ and K+ transporters on apical surface and of Na+-K+ ATPase on basolateral surface, resulting in increase Na absorption and K secretion
In low pH, aldosterone act on intercalated cell of collecting ducts to increase secretion of H+
insoluble in plasma, loosely bound to serum albumin and to transcortin
Excess secretion leads to retention of Na, expansion of ECF vol, decreased K (Hypokalemia) and alkalosis
Deficiency leads to Na wasting, contracting of ECF vol, increase blood K+(hyperkalemia) and acidosis
aldosterone elevated and renin low -> primary pathology
aldosterone elevated and renin elevated -> secondary
regulated by HPA axis, most common being cortisol which exibits circadian rhythem
Highest around time of awakening, lowest around midnight, and is related to sleep-wake patterns rather than dark-light.
feedback loop
hypothalamus releases Corticotropin Releasing Hormone, which stimulates pituitary to secrete a large transcript called ProOpioMelanoCortin, which is cleaved to yield ACTH and endorphin (acts within CNS as an endogenous opoid)
ACTH (adrenocorticotrophin) stimulates cells of zona fasiculata to take up cholesterol and synthesize and release cortisol
As plasma cortisol rises, -ve feeddback to inhibit further secretion of ACTH and CRH
Breakdown of PROMC also produces melanin stimulating hormone (MSH), causing darkening of skin
Not soluble in plasma, most bound to corticosteroid binding globulin, some to albumin with even lesser being free (only free available for binding to receptors)
Physiologic effects
Catabolic hormones, promte mobilization of fuel stores (protein in skeletal muscle, fatty acids and glycerol from adipose tissue)
Amino acids and glycerol converted by liver to glycogen, which is released into blood as glucose
metabolic effects
Excess (or pharmalogical doses) increase gluconeogenesis in liver, anti-inflammatory, immuno-suppressive, degradation of muscle, bone and skin, lipolysis of peripheral fat but deposition of visceral fat
- inhibits GH, thyroid hormone, insulin and sex steroids on target tissues
- Still used against asthma and rejection of transplants or inflammation
Mobilization of fuel stores, increased visceral fat and insulin resistnace
During stress, adrenal medulla also receive stimulation by sympathetic nervous system, releasing epinephrine
- inhibits insulin secretion from pancreas and moblization of triglycerides (lipolysis) from fat, thus keeping blood glucose levels high
Net effect of cortisol and EPI increases blood glucose, wasting of bone and muscle, loss of peripheral fats and deposition of omentum fats (neuropeptide Y upregulated, promoting growth)
insufficient cortisol -> increased resistance to insulin and poor capacity to generate substrate for gluconeogenesis -> hypoglycemic
adrenal Pathophysiology
Addisons disease
low serum Na and elevated serum K, low BP and increased skin pigmentation (no feedback from cortisol, excess ACTH)
unless mineralcorticoid is administered, K levels increase markedly with daily diet intake, could lead to cardiac arrest
Catecholamines (medulla)
Epinephrine is primary catecholamine of adrenal, secreted by chromaffin cells, directly controlled by sympathetic nervous system
synthesis and secretion
begins with tyrosine, taken up by chromaffin cells in medulla and converted to NorEpi or Epi, which are then stored in granules
Activated by stress, including exercise, hypoglycemia and trauma
Physiological effects
Same effect on organs as direct stimulation by sympathetic nerves, although effect is more longer lasting
Vasoconstriction, increasing resistance and arterial blood pressure
increased metabolic rate, oxygen consumption and heat production
Stimulation of liplysis in adipose cells and lactate from muscle to provide additional sources of energy in fight or flight response
Epi is secreted with cortisol under stressful conditions, and acts on pancreatic islets to inhibit insulin secretion, removing opposing effects of insulin and increase secretion of glucagon
Net effect of Epi, cortisol and glucagon on blood glucose exceeds additive effect of ea hormone alone, and is called synergy
Growth Hormone
GH and Melanocortin axes
Empty stomach activates ghrelin (growth hormone releasing hormone), which activates the anterior pituitary to release GH, goes to liver, and releases IGF
- helps mobilize glucose and burnfat
Ghrelin also activates the hypothalamus Arcuate nucleus, which then inhibits Melanocortin receptors (MC4R) which originally decreases feeding
Biological role
In excess, GH is a diabetogenic, leading to hyperglycemia, lipolysis and hyperinsulinemia
GH, feeding and exercise
Amino acid
Effect: increase growth of muscle (seen with anaerobic training, not with aerobic