1)Pyramids (formed by pyramidal tracts originated from pyramid-shaped neurons in cerebrum, carrying voluntary motor output to the spinal cord; the pyramidal fibers cross over to the opposite side of the brain, decussation of the pyramids, and as the result - each cerebral hemisphere controls voluntary movements of opposite side of the body). 2)Nuclei: inferior olivary nucleus (relay station for sensory info traveling to cerebellum; processes and edits info before sending it); inferior cerebellar peduncles are tracts that connect the medulla to the cerebellum); nucleus fasiculatus and nucleus cuneatus(synapse of ascending fibers carrying info from skin and proprioceptors to cerebrum). 3) Reticular formation nuclei (coordinate reflexes and autonomic behaviors involving cranial nerves, and involved with visceral activities (cardiac center, vasomotor center, and medullary respiratory center).