13-3b types of wholesalers
-merchant wholesalers:a middleman that purchases goods in large quantities and sells them to other wholesalers or retailers and to institutional,farm,government,professional or industrial users
->Merchant wholesalers have following characteristics;
-they usually operate one or more warehouses at which they receive,take title to, and store goods.these wholesalers are sometimes called Distributor or jobbers
-most merchant wholesalers are business composed of salespeople,order takers,receiving and shipping clerks,inventory managers,and office personnel
-the successful merchant wholesaler must analyze available products and market needs.it must be able to adapt the type,variety,and quality of its products to changing market conditions
-merchant wholesalers May be classified as full-service or limited-service wholesaler depending on the number of services they provide.a FULL-Service Wholesaler performs the entire range of wholesaler functions.thses functions include delivering goods,supplying warehousing,arranging for credit,supporting promotional activities and providing general customer assistance.