Neuro: c/o visual disturbances 2 days PTA, positive hx of seizures (reported by cousin, questionable accuracy), dysphasia 45 min PTA. Cardio: hx of HTN. Respiratory: non-smoker. GI: no flatus or stool since admission. GU: oliguria, Foley catheter draining to gravity, urine yellow and clear, IV fluid resuscitation/maintenance fluids. Musculoskeletal: no notable joint swelling noted, mild stiffness in joints, no crepitus noted, no limitation in joint range of motion, and no difficulty in performing ADLs before CVA reported by cousin. Skin: warm, dry, intact, soft, fragile, non-elastic, bruising to forearms. Psychological: energetic and upbeat according to cousin, good relationships with family and friends. Environmental: unable to assess.