We should colonize mars, Here's why
Mars could habitat life for these reasons: First of all, It is not insanely freezing, because -128 degrees F is the lowest temp. ever recorded on Earth, and for that to be recorded someone would have to have gone there, so humans could withstand a temperature more than -89 degrees. Since Mars is -131F to -195 degrees F we could withstand those temperatures by bringing the correct materials.
The next reason is, Mars could be colonized because we could bring oxygen tanks, and save them for until we land on mars safely, we could start anytime. For a third reason, Mar's Atmosphere has some oxygen, 95.3% CO2, and 2.7% nitrogen. The oxygen level is very small, but with enough oxygen tanks, to even spend a day on mars, then we could see what we're going to need to do if we colonize forever.
National Space Exploration Campaign Report
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There are some risks, such as lower bone and muscle density
We may need a backup plan if earth is destroyed in some disaster
It has the resources needed for habitation, such as ice
There may be some unforeseen benefits to living there that we haven't yet predicted
It could be a jump off point for exploration further out, as it is a few thousand miles closer to some of the outer planets
There are vast untouched ores and many power sources there, such as many nuclear fuel sources
They may be self sufficient after a few decades, and might be able to mine asteroids for even more ore further down the line
They may be able to export many valuable matals and ores back to earth once the mining has started
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Keywords on One Note
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Colonization, Atmosphere, and life on mars for humans are my main/keywords.
Advantages to living on mars
Benefits to colonizing Mars
Why should we colonize mars
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Ranked Evidence
There may be benefits for people with issues in earth gravity
It could be a jump off point for exploring the rest of the solar system
We will need a backup plan if Earth is destroyed
There could be vast resources to use
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We should only send robots
we'll contaminate the planet with earthly bactirias
There's methane, so there may be life
We should save the planet before going to mars
We should spend money on defending the planet, not making mars the backup plan
We should wait awhile before colonizing mars, as earth needs to be saved first.
It would take years to come to fruition, so coming up with a strategy now might pave the way for its completion in the next few decades.
The poles also harbor other natural resources, like carbon dioxide, iron, aluminum, silicon and sulfur, which could be used to make things like glass, brick and plastic. And with a little work, they could even use the planet’s hydrogen and methanol to create fuel.
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researchers suggest sending a fleet of robots to start constructing the facility.
we would need alot of time, but it would be worth it to be able to stop overpopulation
Some scientists hypothesize that creating a planet-wide artificial magnetosphere
NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program and Techshot Inc are working together to develop sealed biodomes that would employ colonies of oxygen-producing cyanobacteria and algae for the production of molecular oxygen (O2) on Martian soil.
Mirrors made of thin aluminized PET film could be placed in orbit around Mars to increase the total insolation it receives.[1] This would direct the sunlight onto the surface and could increase Mars's surface temperature directly. The mirror could be positioned as a statite, using its effectiveness as a solar sail to orbit in a stationary position relative to Mars, near the poles, to sublimate the CO
2 ice sheet and contribute to the warming greenhouse effect.[1
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I agree with this point
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