Social media affecting image & health

Negative effects social media has on body image

social media is a huge contributor to negative body image and body dissatisfaction and social media can be harmful to younger people

Teens compare themselves to their peers. This can affect peers and girls self-esteem. This matters because so many young women deal with this issue everyday and compare themselves to others.

The media constantly portrays women, and men, to look a certain way but it is hard to maintain that body type. The ideal body image makes girls feel worse about themselves and lowers their self esteem, making them not realize that they are perfect just the way they are.

realize that the media portrays false ideals on image and understand that models and famous instagram stars are not ideally how one should look and has profound effect on people.

We look up to people who are celebrities, models, singers, actresses, and other famous people. We aspire to be like them and it can have a negative impact on our lives. Most of these famous people are thought to be the ideal body image, like models, but not everyone can obtain that image.

increasing issue in our society today.

People should care about how social media can affect someone

Positives of Social Media

Throughout research I found different views on how social media can be harmful: some say that social media is worse than traditional media while others say it is not as bad and is the same as traditional media. In my research I found that social media can also be good for teens for conversations social media is part of our everyday lives.

Social media in ways is good for adolescents in connecting with others

Social media is such a huge part of teenagers and young adults lives.

Solutions/Bringing Awareness to the effects of social media

we can improve social media to decrease effects of negative body image and eating disorders. As a society I believe we need to do better at educating teenagers that the bodies portrayed in the media isn't what one should look like and the bodies portrayed are not normal.

parents and others like clinicians/doctors need to do a better job at educating their kids and providing help when trying to compare themselves.

ways we can improve social media with sharing images and help educate and understand why things are posted the way they are.

helping others understand that the images media doesn't portray the normal body image and can help them understand their shapes and sizes are okay and help increase positive body image.

By educating people with statistics and research, I can help increase the concern of this issue and hopefully people will have a better understanding of social media's impact on body image and mental health.

It should matter to others because they should want to learn more and become aware of this issue and help make it better. This lesson is valuable because having this information will help others be educated and possibly reducing negative body image and stereotypes of being extremely thin and fit as the ideal body image.

It is important to discuss how one should love their body for who they are and not have to compare themselves to someone they see online.

help people to understand that there needs to be action taking place whether it be taking breaks from social media, talking with parents, or even talking to doctors. I feel like this issue has been brought up in the past but its effects fully have not been talked about it and it is causing more harmful to our health and society.

Negative effects social media has on mental health

Body dissatisfaction in young women leads to an increase in eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and depression. And it can be very dangerous and harmful to one's mental state

Body dissatisfaction is a huge effect that comes from comparing oneself to another based off appearance. Mental health is significant in my topic because social media greatly affects this with increases in eating disorders and depression relating back to body dissatisfaction and comparing appearances.

matters to everyone because it can hurt our society if we are trying to look like someone we are not and trying to hurt our mental state in order to achieve to look extremely thin or fit. My work can benefit the way others understand issue by stating facts from research on how many girls feel body dissatisfaction and have eating disorders or low self esteem from being social media

important to discuss the effects of mental health that social media brings and how they can be dangerous to oneself

mental health is a huge part of everyone lives and people are not fully aware of how it can affect someone. Social media can affect oneself and can cause increases in eating disorders and depression, only with feeling dissatisfied in your body. This should matter to people because it affects so many people in our world today and we need to raise awareness about it.