Segmented worms diversity and ecology
Class Hirudinea
Benefit: They maintain blood flow after microsurgery.
Harmful: They can cause bacterial infections, and many people cringe at the thought of having a leech attached to them.

Body structure: Leeches in class Hirudinea are external parasites with flattened bodies and usually have no setae.
Habitat: Most leeches live in freshwater streams or rivers, where they attach to the bodies of their hosts—including fishes, turtles, and humans.
Response to stimuli: When a leech bites, its saliva contains chemicals that act as an anesthetic. Other chemicals in the saliva reduce swelling and prevent the host’s blood from clotting.
Lean Alsuwailem
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Found in garden soil.
Earthworms ingest soil to extract nutrients.
They break up the soil to allow air and water to move through it
belong to class Polychaeta, mainly are marine animals
include bristleworms and fan worms
have head regions with well-developed sense organs, including eyes
body segments also have a pair of appendages called parapodia used for swimming and crawling
They aerate soil so roots can grow more easily and water can move efficiently.
They are food for many different animals.
Marine polychaetes are an important part of the diet of many marine predators.
Earthworms removes the shelter and moisture needed by many native plants and animals.
Marine polychaetes help convert the organic debris of the ocean floor into carbon dioxide
joud alshalhoub

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