It is now well established that if children experience any sort of abuse (verbal, emotional, physical, or neglect), especially in the early years of life, it can affect how the brain is wired and functions. Each of the 535 members of Congress can propose any kind of bill they want. They don't need consent or support from anyone they just drop a piece of legislation in a box, and congressional workers assign it an official bill number and file it away with all the others bills. The only test a proposal has to pass before becoming a bill in Congress is the judgment of the individual member of Congress who introduced it. The vast majority of bills are essentially dead upon arrival. In any given two-year session of Congress, ten-thousand or more bills are introduced. But only about 4 percent of them become law. Take away bills that do things like naming post offices and designating days of the year as commemorative holidays and it's probably more like one percent. Sunlight Labs has done an analysis of what happened to all the bills that were introduced in the previous session of Congress (110th session). Of the 11,056 bills that were introduced, 9,904, were referred to a committee by default, never saw any action, and died there.