Work process
Main steps
October- November - December
November -December
October -November
project data
Work process
Project Logo
Objectives Project objectives
Charts and internet policy at schools
Purpose - Context
Teachers work schedule work schedule
Teachers ( padlet ) teachers presentation
Cities ( any tool of presentation )
Students ( each partner creates his/her padlet ) , than i will add it in the common padlet students presentation
Country ( any tool of presentation )
School activities dairy : updated regularly
Curricular integration
EU code week participation
2019 New Year wishes exchange
Internet Addiction
Participation in learning event
Surveys and quizes
First Survey : students internet knowledge survey 1
Second survey : adults internet knowledge survey 2
Schools ( any tool of presentation )
Internet opinions
Drawings( optional )
Comic strips ( optional )
SWOT internet analysis
click to edit
The reliability of a website
Password creation and criteria
Secure and Unsecure web sites
Copy rights data protection
Story tellings ( add morals and comments )