
Is a


for what?

Measuring & quantifying

Measuring What?

The likelihood to obtain

specific sample


a specific population


Random Sampling

Independent Random Sampling

Equal chance of being selected

Equal & constant chance of being selected

Probability & Normal Distribution

Probability = Proportion

Finding probability of an X value

X Value to Z-score

Look at the table

Find the proportion/probability

Finding X value of a proportion

Look at the table

Find the proportion/probability

Find the Z-score

Change to X value

Proportion always positive

Percentile & Percentile Ranks

Percentile = 70th

Percentile ranks = 70%

Probability & Binomial Distribution

Binomial = Two outcomes, A & B

A + B = 1.00 (100%)

When pn and qn > 10

μ = pn

σ = √npq

And they crucified Him, and divided up His garments among themselves, casting lots for them to decide what each man should take.

Mark 15:24


Probability & Inferential Statistics

The bigger sample size the more representative