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MICROECONOMICS (Monopoly (Pricing with market power
uniform = all…
= a market with a single buyer but several sellers
ex. certain employers (astronauts), large supermaket chains, car and airplane producers
Monopsony power = buyer's ability to affect the price of the good (pay less than MV)
=> (MV-P)/P=-1/Es
Purchase decision
max Net value(Q) = V(Q) - E(Q)
= Total value - total expenditure
=> MV(Q) = ME(Q)
ME > P= Average Expenditure
because P increases infra marginal units
Bilateral monopoly
= monopolist + monopsonist
-> weaken each other's power Price and Quantity hard to predict
- negotiation
- asymmetric information (can cause that negotiations don't lead to transactions)
Barries of Entry
- Economics of Scale
= Situation where output can be doubled for less than a double of cost
-> natural monopoly: economies of scale are so large that is is most efficient for a single firm to serve the market (ex. high set up costs, konstant marginal cost -> decreasing average costs)
:pencil2:Natural monopolies
= Firm can produce the entire output of the market at a lower cost than what it would cost if there were several Utilities ex. electricity, gas, telephone service often natural monopolies
-> Strong regulations ex. Price regulation (can reduce DWL)
- Patents
- Licences
- Complete and exclusive control of input
- networking effect
- switching costs
- advertising
One seller, many buyers:
Monopolist = entire supply side of the market
-> No supply curve
:warning:The monopolist‘s decision regarding quantity and price depends not only on the marginal cost curve but also the demand curve (MR=MC)
Profit maximization
Marginal Revenue (MR) = P'(Q)*Q+P(Q) (Produktregel)
- P´(Q)Q: Change in price times quantity. This term reflects the change in revenue from the inframarginal units being sold at a different price
- P(Q): Price. This term reflects the change in revenue from the price of the marginal unit
- Perfect competition: P is sonst. -> P'=0 => MR=P=MC
- Monopolist: P is downward sloping -> P'< 0 => MR(Q)<P(Q); MR=MC < P
- MR(Q) = MC(Q)+ t
- Price increase can be higher than t
- Rule of thumb: P=MC/(1+(1/Ed))
Multiplant Monopolist
- Same MC between the plants
- MR=MC => MR (Q1+Q2) = MC1(Q1) = MC2(Q2)
Demand curve
Shift in demand, Possible outcomes (impossible under PC)
- Same quantities, different prices
- Different quantities , same prices
- MR=P+P(1/Ed) <=> MC=P+P(1/Ed)
- measure of market power: (P-MC)/P= -1/Ed
- elastic: very reactive (Ed >1)-> low market power
- inelastic: less reactive (Ed < 1)-> higher market power
- if the MC=0 then profit maximization = revenue maximization and the revenue is maximized if Ed = -1
Lerner index of market power
L = (P-MC)/P
- max Profit: L = -1/Ed
- The bigger L, the bigger the market power
- Firms always maximize profits on the elastic part of the individual demand curve
- !High market power does not lead to high profits! Mark -up is calculated with respect to MC, profits depend on AC, which includes fixed costs
:warning:The size of the markup depends on the individual firm elasticity of demand
Social costs of market power
- Deadweight loss( P>MC + elastic demand)
- Rent seeking = Spending money in socially unproductive efforts to acquire, maintain, or exercise market power ex. lobbying, uninformative marketing -> Social cost > DWL
- Inefficiency in production:
:pencil2:X-Inefficiency = Production costs are not minimized for the given technology and production quantity
- Dynamic efficiency/ inefficiency? (trade-off between max. profits now and future)
Rate-of-return regulations = Maximum price allowed by a regulatory agency is based on the (expected) rate of return on capital that a firm earns
Price-cap regulations = Based on firm‘s variable costs
- Adjusts automatically for inflation and expectedproductivity growth
- Additional productivity growth becomes profit for firm
Asymmetric Information: Insufficient information about costs and demand curve
- Possible goals:
- Profit maximizations from the seller's point of view
- Efficiency (if bidder with the highest willingness to pay receives the good)
- Right price is unknown
- Unique good
- Large variance in buyers' values
- potential costs (procurement auction)
- Public bids
a) English auction (open ascending bid auction)
b) Dutch auction (open descending bid auction
- Sealed-bid auction (bids are made simultaneously)
c) First-price auctions (price = highest bid)
d) Second-price auction (price = second highest bid)
Private-value auction
- Every bidder knows their own reservation price (individual valuation)
- reservation prices vary among the bidders
- the bidders do no know the other bidders' reservation prices
- Pay-off Winner = Reservation price - price paid
- Payoff Loser = 0
:checkered_flag:In a sealed-bid second-price or an English auction, bidding one's reservation price is a weakly dominant strategy for every potential buyer
:checkered_flag: In a sealed-bid first or a Dutch auction a bidder's optimal strategy depends on the expected bidding strategies of the other bidders and the statistical distribution of the reservation prices
-> in equilibrium every bidder bids less that their reservation price
Revenue Equivalence Theorem
= There is a broad category of auction games for which equilibrium expected bidder surplus are the same across the different auction formats, ceteris paribus
-> auction format doesn't matter
-> bids will different event though expected revenue is the same
Maximize auction revenue:
- let as many participate as possible
Common-value auctions
= auction in which the item has the same value to all bidders, but the bidder's estimates of the value differ ex. oil reservoir in the ocean
- Winner's curse = over-optimistic: individual estimate > actual (tend to be the average of the estimates)
-> should bid less than individual estimate
- Maximize auction revenue: choose open auction (if bidders anticipate the winner's curse)
= an action by either a producer or a consumer which affects other producers or consumers but is not accounted for in the market price
Negative externality
= the action of one party imposes costs on another party ex. pollution, noise, traffic jam -> level of output too high
Long term inefficiency:
- Insufficient investment in alternate technologies
- Ineffective decisions regarding market entrance
Positive externality
= the action of one party benefits another party ex. R&D, education, restoration of a beautiful building
--> level of output too low
:pencil2:Property rights
= Legal rules that dictate what firms and individuals are
allowed to do with their property
-> externalized (are payed not to)
-> internalized (pay to prevent)
Economic efficiency can be achieved without government intervention if:
- The relevant externality concerns only a few parties and
- Property rights are explicitly defined.
:pencil2:Coase Theorem: Principle that when parties can bargain without cost and to their mutual advantage, the resulting outcome will be efficient regardless of how property rights are specified (as long as someone has property rights)
- Additional requirement: low transaction costs
- How surplus is divided does depend on property rights
Negotiation sometimes difficult:
- too many parties involved
- unclear property rights
- costs of monitoring
:pencil2:Nash equilibrium
= Given the actions or strategies of its competitors, each firm is doing the best it can and thus has no reason to change either its price its output quantity
= Set of strategies or actions in which each player does the best it can given its competitor's strategies
:!:Quantity competition leads to a solution between monopoly and perfect competition (same for price competition with product differentiation
Stackelberg Model: choose sequentially quantity
Equilibrium: Firm 1 produces more than in Cournot Model
Firm 2 produces less than in Cournot Model
=> First Mover advantage (higher profits)
Bertrand Model: choose prices
- Homogenous, Simultaneously: incentive to price under competitors until P=MC
- Heterogenous, Simultaneously: Reactionfunction with prices (similar to Cournot)
- Sequential: Firm 1 has a disadvantage because Firm 2 can undercut it
Cournot Model: choose simultaneously quantity of homogenous product
Each firm chooses its output quantity to maximize its profits given its rival's quantities -> Best response function
Subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium (SPNE) = when an equilibrium constitutes of a Nash equilibrium in every subgame of the game
- in a sequential game strategies can dictate non credible actions in sublimes that are not reached in an equilibrium
- 1st mover advantage -> 2nd mover has to change the game to avoid unwanted outcome:
- Change incentives ex. Investment, Strategic delegation
- Reputation
- Eliminate option to choose ex. destroy resources
- The Rubinstein bargaining model
Dominant Equilibrium
= Each player is doing the best he/she can
regardless of what the other player is doing
Prisoners' dilemma: both dominant strategies, but Nash equilibrium is not efficient: if everybody is cooperative then better outcome for all but not in anybody's self-interest to act cooperatively ex. Arms-race, price competition, tariff-wars, exploration of a common resource
The battle of sexes
-> Pure strategy Nash equilibrium (PSNE)
-> *Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium (MSNE)
Collusion = Firms agree to cooperate in setting prices and quantities
-> Max total profits (produce monopoly quantity):!:outcome is not stable
Ways to overcome incentive to deviate:
- Repeated interactions with punishments ex. price wars
- price leadership of one firm (Extreme case: dominant firm model)
= Explicit agreement to cooperate in setting prices and output levels
Conditions: transparency, homogeneity cost and demand structure, capability to punish noncooperative firms, potentially high market power
Game Theory
= a situation in which players (participants) makes strategic decisions
- Payoff = value associated with a possible outcome (e.g. profits, surplus, utility)
2. Finitely repeated games
Backward induction -> same outcome as one-time game
- Cooperation is possible if:
- termination point is unkown
- uncertainty regarding competitor's rationality
- Cooperation is difficult if:
- many players
- "impatient" (value present payoff higher)
- uncertainty about prices ex. fluctuating demand
1. Infinitely repeated games
- cooperation is possible because deviation can be punished
- ex. Grim tigger = deviation leads to competition in every future period
Tit-for-Tat = the firm follows as soon as the competitor lowers its price and will increase again immedelty when the other decides to increase
- Sequential games
- Examples:
- Stackelberg Model
- product choice game (1st mover advantage)
- attacks and counter attacks, market entry, negotiations
- Graphical: Decision tree
- Subgame perfection
Rational player
= knows her preferences and acts accordingly (thinks through the consequences of her actions and her competitors' actions)
Common knowledge of rationality
- All players are rational
- All players knows that all other players are rational
- All players know that all other players know that all players are rational
Strategic decisions = decisions that take into account actions and response of the other players
Dominant strategy
= a strategy that is always more profitable than all other possible strategies regardless of the opponent's actions
-> If equilibrium exists = Nash equilibrium
Maximin strategies
= Strategy that maximizes the minimum gain that can be earned
:warning: outcome don't have to be a Nash equilibrium
Mixed strategy
= a strategy in which the player makes a random choice among two or more possible actions, based on a chosen set of probabilities
--> player chooses probability distribution ex. Elf-meter-schießen
Public Goods
Indivisible goods
Sum of private utility >= Total cost of provision
Ex. Big screen TV for the living room of a shared flat
Divisible good
Marginal utility (=sum of MU of each consumer) = Marginal costs
Government provision to compensate for the under-provision
- can assess taxes or fees to pay -> eliminating the free rider problem
- must determine:
- optimal quantity?
- who has to pay how much? (Asymmetric information: state does not know each consumer's willingness to pay)
:warning:Not all goods provided by the state are public goods ex. education, libraries (both excludable)
= For any given level of production, the marginal cost of providing the good to an additional consumer is zero (so one consumer's consumption doesn't prevent another consumer's consumption or impose externalities on it.)
= People cannot be excluded fron consuming the good once it is produced, so it is difficult or impossible to charge for its use
Everyone consumes the same amount of the public good regardless of who paid for it. That is, conditional on the amount provided, the amount consumed by an individual does not depend on wether that individual contributed to providing it
Incentive for Free Riding (= not paying for a nonexclusive good in the expectation that other will)
=> Underprovision
Median voter theorem
= As long as preferences are sing-peaked and as long as the election is one-dimensional the outcome most preferred by the median voter is going to be the eventual outcome
-> choice by the median voter is not always efficient!