Vocab: Immediacy behaviors: verbal & nonverbal behaviors that lessen real or perceived physical & psychological distance between communicators & include things like smiling, nodding, making eye contact, & occasionally engaging in social, polite, or professional touch.
artifacts: the objects and possessions that surround us
Kinesics:study of hand, arm, body, and face movements.
Adaptors: touching behaviors and movements that indicate internal states typically related to arousal or anxiety.
Emblems: gestures that have a specific agreed-on meaning
Illustrators: the most common type of gesture and are used to illustrate the verbal message they accompany.
Oculesics: The study of eye behaviors as nonverbal communication.
Haptics: The study of communication by touch.
Proxemics: The study of how space and distance influence communication.
Territoriality: An innate drive to take up and defend spaces
Chronemics: The study of how time affects communication.
Nonverbal Congruence: consistency among different nonverbal expressions within a cluster.
Mirroring: The often subconscious practice of using nonverbal cues that match those of others around us.
Civil Inattention: A social norm that leads us to avoid making eye contact with people in situations that deviate from expected social norms.
Formal time: Applies to professional situations in which we are expected to be on time or even a few minutes early.
Informal time: Applies to casual and interpersonal situations in which there is much more variation in terms of expectations for promptness.
Truth Bias: Our tendency to believe that people are telling the truth, especially if we know and like them.
Nonverbal leakage: Nonverbal behaviors that occur as we try to control the cognitive and physical changes that happen during states of cognitive and physical arousal.