Ali Leontjiew, Study Manager;
on INNODia Project for 14 weeks
in Indianapolis clinical operations for 15 years; the most experienced project member; 50% on InnoDia & 50% on a project with peer in Indi (Ron)

Strategic Scope

new blood gas system waiting for approval (project); the system comprises 17 parameters, technically compley; study protocol is complex; inclusion of external trial sites is to be considered

INNODia, a new diagnostic solution; clinical trials prior to market entry needed

Project Team

6 study managers; remain with their respective departments and still report to their respective line managers, allocate ideally 50-100% of their time to INNODia; 3 in Indo, rest in Mannheim - spatial separation; weekely fixed video meeting


high absense rate, missed 8 meetings, without prior notification, could not attend 6 unscheduled meetings; private stress could be the reason (said line manager); peers say not cooperative, doesnt put much effort; peers forget to copy on emails (on purpose)


you were offered many leadership positions in the past but prefer technical tasks and dont like people manager role; recently not very satisfied with your job



maintaining self-esteem: strong need to reassure yourself, couple of bad experiences in the past when the effort were not taken into account, reactive when faced with critical feedback

security: careful implementing new approaches in order to avoid mistakes


Ron Peters: enjoyed the positive relationship with the retired Senior Study Manager in Indianapolis (Petra); mutual trust and respect; your current Senior study manager (line manager?) is Ron Peters - controlling & puts pressure on the team members; micromanagement; no personal relationship, you feel patronized. worrying about my future a lot

INNOTEST: Ron agreed that you dedicate 50% of your time, but not happy; you have been having health issues (stomach); your tasks in the project of Ron were not reduced accordingly. you cant challengeRon. conflict-shy. Ron would pressure you to resign fronm the InnoDia but you dont want it.

team members: sometimes alugh when you join virtual meetings, exchange phrases in german that you dont understand; culture differences, age & attitude; Mannheim members are all rather young and they seem to contribute to advance their career ambitions; you are more interested in the challenges . affects your motivation & health; you may even llook ffor a different job but are not ready now

Recent events

had to call in sick several times working overhours, take tasks home, your spouse is not willing to tolerate the situation any more

not ably to answer to any single request promptly and with usual care; had to leave several emails unanswered; Real Word Dat introducing into the study would be extremely time consuming for you so you discarded it; you grant Rons requests priorit, same upplies for scheduling conflicting meetings

meetings are also held when there is nothing important to discuss so you read minutes; they didnt require your presence really

deadline is approaching but your R&D colleagues are not provodong you with the information - also not actively pushing to get it!"its not my role to tell them what they need to do"

you created a highly detailed project plan but INNODia project is constantly changing, deadlines were moved by the hospitals where the sudy is conducted, waiting on info from R&D, shifting priorities to attend to Rons deamands - have to constantly readapt; no agile mindset, not adapting to the changing environment
"every tie smth changes i have to start from the beginning to create a new project plan"


reduce the workload & make other project members respect you more BUT dont believe the project manager has enough power & influence; no confrontation with Ron; no talking about my health

Beginning of the conversation

reserved; you are aware that you are not contributing as much as you should but you feel that this cannot be helped; you want to continue working on the project since yo u are interested in the subject matter; but prepared t oresign if needed

remain vague and non.cimmittal, avoid giving away information; react harshly stressing your long-time experience and merits


Ron Peters pressure/ high workload

your physical afflictions

your feelings about your colleagues behavior

reasons for not attending meetings


Teamwork & Collaboration

Achieving results


inspiring & influencing

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