2 types of slaughtering
4 conditions of slaughtering
Slaughtering Camels
By Force
By Choice
- Should be muslim, christian, or jewish and should be sane
2, Good knife so it cuts fast and the animal does not have to suffer
- Say bismillah
- slaughter in the halal way (cut fully throiugh the arteries and esophogus)
Stab the bottom of the neck with a knife so the blood fully drains out
Slaughter it while it's standing
Tie up the left foot and bend it over the thigh (so it cant run)
- Say Allah hu akbar after saying bismillah
- Be easy on the animal when slaughtering it
- Knife should be sharp
- Face the qiblah
Makrooh (try no to do)
- skinning/breaking the animals neck before it fully dead
- slaughtering the animal infront of other animals
- If you sharpen the knife in front of the animal
- Shooting the animal
- Salughtering the animal for other reasons (no good reasons, not for eating)