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2.1: Functions and Evolution of Human Resource Management (Labour Turnover…
2.1: Functions and Evolution of Human Resource Management
Human Resource Planning
human resource management (HRM)
: strategic approach to effective management of workers
aims to get the right number of people with the right skills, experience & competencies in the right job at the right time at the right cost
workforce plan
: number of workers & skills required over a future period of time
workforce audit
: check on skills & qualifications of existing employees
2 Main Stages
Forecasting NUMBER of employees required
forecast demand for firm's products
market conditions
seasonal factors
competitors' actions
trends in customer taste
productivity levels of staff
output per worker increases, result may be machinery & less workers
objectives of the business
if business plans to expand
if firm intends to increase customer service levels
changes in law regarding worker's rights
goverment of country passes laws which modify max or min working week or wage
labour turnover & absenteesim rate
the higher the rate at which wokrers leave, the greater the need of recruitment to replace
the higher the level of absenteesim, the greater need to staff higher level staff
Forecasting SKILLS required
need for better qualified staff or staff with different skills
pace of technological change in the industry
production methods
complexity of machines
need for flexible or multi-skilled staff
risk of over-specialised workers & dificulty to adapt
recruit staff & train them with more than one skill
Labour Turnover
measures rate at which employees are leaving the company
number of employees leaving in 1 year / average number of people employed x 100
if rate is high & increasing over time this means
employee discontent
low morale
wrong people are being employed
high turnover is likely in areas of LOW unemployment
part-time & temporart employment lead to high turnover rates
costs of recruiting, selecting & training new staff
poor output levels & customer service due to vacancies
difficult to establish bond with customers
difficult to establish team spirit & stable working groups
low-skilled & less productive staff leave & replaced by better workers
new ideas & practices brought by new workers
business that plans to reduce staff is aided by high turnover
Changes in Labour Mobility
ocupational mobility of labour
: extent to which workers are willing & able to move to different jobs requiring different skills
high ocupational mobility allows economic efficiency
keep structural unemployment low
developed economies have immobile labours due to
high levels of home ownership means workers are willing to sel house & buy in another region
high-skill levels in one occupation mean workers are not equiped to deal with machines & technologies in other industries
in emerging market countries mobility is higher due to
home owenership is low
low skill levels mean workers can undertake low-skilled jobs in different industries
geographical mobility
: extent to which workers are willing & able to move geographical region to take new jobs
mostly between rural & urban areas
may lead to overcrowding & poor living conditions in cities
policies to attempt to increase labour mobility
relocation grants for public sector workers
job centers & gov. offices to advertise job vacancies
training & retraining programms for the unemployed
New Communication Technologies
some jobs are forever lost while others created
workers no longer need to be in the same place to work together
allows firms to find more efficient ways of producing goods & services with fewer employees
promotes larger geographical flexibility
use of digital technology increased demand for creative jobs & reduced routine jobs
the process of identifying the need for new employee, defining the job to be filled & the type of person needed to fill it
Establish the nature of the job vacancy & draw up job description
job description
job title
details of tasks to be performed
responsibilities involved
place in heirarchical structure
working conditions
how job will be assesed & performance measured
should attract the right people
Draw up a person specification
analyses qualities & skills needed in applicants
based on job description
person specification is like "person profile"
helps selection process by elimination applicants who don't match the requirements
Prepare job advertisement reflecting requirements & personal qualities needed
can be displayed within businesses premises
advertise on
firm's website
government center
recruitment agencies
care for no discrimination in the ad
Draw up shortlist of applicants
applicants are chosen based on Curriculum Vitae
may have references to check character & previous work performance
Conduct Interviews
question applicant on their skills, experience & character
some interviewers use 7-point plan to carry methodical interview
candidates accused according to
personal manner
physical appearance
personal circumstances
4 Main Types
On-the-job training
involves instruction at the place of work
conducted by HR management or departamental training officers
close work with existing expreienced members
chaper than sending recruits on external training courses
introduction training
: intro training program to familiarize recruits with the system of the business
Off-the-job training
course of instruction away from place of work
can be specialist training center owned by company or course organised by outside body
introduce new ideas no-one in the firm currently has knowledge of
can be expensive
Cognitive training
exercises designed to imporve ability to inderstand & learn info
"brain exercises"
consists of exercises designed to help improve performance in areas like
sustaining attention
thinking before acting
visual & auditory processing of info
listening & reading
Behavioural skills training
aims to provide employees with the ability to comunicate
commnication skills
change management skills
assertiveness skills
negotiating & influencing skills
conflict management skills
presentation skills
customer service skills
networking skills
interview skills
work-related education to increase workforce skills & efficiency
: well-qualified staff leave for a better paying job after acuiring qualifications from business
Appraisal of Employees
process of assessing the effectiveness of an employee judged against preset objectives
undertaken annually
essential componenet of an employee development program
Herzberg's motivators
: factors that can provide conditions for effective motication at work
worker's ability to meet certain criteria
suggest areas of action & improvement or recomendations for training or promotion
based on formal & informal assesment methods
monitor employee's progress & provide guidance for improvement
qualitative feedback
goal is to measure the level of an employee's success
benchmarked dicussed before the time period
outcome ahould influence pay grade, annual conus or chances of promotion
360-degree feedback
use many poeple in contact with employee as sources of appraisal
employee's line work colleagues
internal & external customers
objective is to assess training & development needs
multi-source assessment or multi-source feedback
ask employees to self-evaluate job performance
used as basis for discussion
manager & employee then discuss results & negotiate final evaluation based on both perspectives
Cecilia Martínez A01197738