Organize a meeting with parents, teacher, principal, vice principal, and school nurse to collaboratively discuss possible strategies to help student. These strategies may include external support (e.g. speech pathologist, psychologist, special education specialist etc.) and internal support within the classroom (e.g differentiated instruction, inclusion strategies etc.) Parents will have the ultimate say in what happens outside the classroom.
Organize a meeting with teachers and principals to discuss and conceive different inclusion strategies that can be implemented in the classroom. Make an individualized learning plan for the student.
:star:Teachers will implement IEP along with other inclusion strategies (see right side of chart for strategies) immediately without ostracizing the special needs student.
Principal will organize weekly or monthly meetings with parents and teachers to discuss student's progress, achievements, and current weaknesses.
Have student assessed by a special needs professional. Have a specialist design an IEP for the student. Principal and teacher should be notified of such plan