The first riddle was something to do with Morse Code, there were many dots and dashes, we assumed it was Morse Code and we mastered that type of code so the first one was easy. The second one, was a little confusing. There were spike traps in the ground, we could cross it but was extremely risky if so. We found more code, this time it was hex, "It's good that I brought my iPhone with me, time to translate this." The code was 6E 65 8E 9C 12 3E. And it translated to "Open the doors." (idk what it actually translates to) So, first we wanted to try saying it at the same time. And time stopped completely. And it became nighttime too. We just passed by the spikes. And there was more hex, translated it said "Close the doors." We again said it at the same time "Close the doors" And the doors closed. And it became nighttime again.