What do I know about Government and Politics in Australia?



The Government

people have all different types of things to say

Everyone has there own opinion

There are different parties

In Australia we have a prime-Minister

there are different kinds of sides




There is a lot of people wanting to get there way

Scott Morrison is our Prime-Minister

Julia Bishop was the first female to be Prime-Minister in Australia

18+ can vote for the Prime-Minister

you can only vote once




the government can vote the prime minister out of there role

One role can fire the prime minister

levels of government

Federal - Prime Minister

State - premier

Local - Council

Prime Minister - Voted every 4 years

State - Voted every 3 years

Local - Voted every 3 years

18+ can vote

The different parties have there representatives

All of the parties have different says in what they would do

people can have there say

everyone have there own opinion

What the single governments do

Federal - taxes

State - hospitals, police, taxes

Local - roads, Paths



House of representatives - Green

Senate - Red

There is an Old and New parliament house

the Premier election is coming up

Elections go from 8am to 6pm

In Australia you have to vote otherwise you will be fined

You have to vote in private otherwise someone can look at your vote

You can only vote once

The premier can fire the prime minister