WORKPLACE EXAMPLE: When you think of a typical office or cubicle, this might seem like the most boring learning space option available: Lonely cubicle ... dingy light ... ugly, blank wall—the traditional office space that you dread to enter everyday. However, in recent years, research has been done on office and learning space design and how it can affect productivity and employee happiness. Based on the findings, professional office spaces can incorporate natural light, collaborative spaces rather than isolated cubicles, and private meeting rooms. Creating a flexible, collaborative office space will more likely result in flexible, collaborative employees—which is exactly what most workplaces are striving towards. Such spaces would also present more professional development opportunities since teams are already collaborating and working together and they can see how to best move forward as a team (and potentially, where they might most need help). So, no need to think about office spaces as boring. There's a new way, and a newly designed space, to work (Loubier, 2017).