Topic: Congress's plan to pull government spending from Planned Parenthood
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Sub-Topic 3: which kinds of people are for and against planned parenthood?
Sub-Topic 1: The services that Planned Parenthood Provides (what I know)
-Planned Parenthood helps the LGBTQ community as well as women in a low socioeconomic status
-Provides education on safe sex and childcare funding
-Provides STD screenings, cancer screenings, access to contraceptives, and more
What I do not know:
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Sub-Topic 1: The services that Planned Parenthood Provides (what I still need to research)
-Specific procedures done by Planned Parenthood
-What percentage of the population relies on Planned Parenthood
-A more detailed description of the EXACT services that Planned Parenthood provides
Sub-Topic 2: Long term implications if Planned Parenthood were to be defunded
• When the federal government vetoed the exclusion of Planned Parenthood from Medicaid in Texas, the state decided to exclude the organization from their state funds.
• One study looked into the rates of the education and use of contraceptives, if these methods are still practiced, and the coverage of childcare through Medicaid after the exclusion of Planned Parenthood. Researchers looked at these measures from 2011 to 2014
o They collected data for the use of contraceptives and compared it to the use of contraceptives before state funding was pulled
o Overall, they found that the exclusion of Planned Parenthood found that the rate of childbirth funded by Medicaid increased significantly.
o The study additionally found that there was a reduction in the continuation of using contraceptives.
• If congress shuts down Planned Parenthood, 2.4 million people each year would not be able to have access to cancer screenings, STD tests, and more.
What I still need to research:
If other states have tried this and if they succeeded
If this has occurred at all in history
• People against Planned Parenthood believe that one of Planned Parenthood’s only purpose is to provide abortions
o The websites that these groups post their opinions on are typically on Christian and family values websites
o Conservatives are against Planned Parenthood
o Belief that Planned Parenthood takes too much of our tax dollars
o Planned Parenthood uses these tax dollars to provide abortions and promote premarital sex
o Lots of these articles are written by middle aged white men
• People for Planned Parenthood believe that the defunding of the organization will result in an increase in STDs, unplanned pregnancies, and lack of childcare funding
o These people post on websites such like I Stand With Planned Parenthood
o Lots of these writers are liberal and female
o Other writers of these articles are medical doctors
• From the sources research, 48% of Trump’s supporters want to protect Planned Parenthood.
What I still need to research:
-If there are liberals against Planned Parenthood and if so, why
-If there are women against Planned Parenthood and if so, why
-Which people in Congress are for or against the defunding of Planned Parenthood?
What I still need to research:
-What about the LGBTQ community?
-How will men be affected?
Sub-Topic 4: who will be affected the most if government funding is pulled from Planned Parenthood?
• Young women who are scared to ask their parents about birth control, abortions, and STD screenings
• This issue extends far beyond a women’s rights issue—it is an issue of basic human rights.
• Since Planned Parenthood is funded by Medicaid, women in lower socioeconomic statuses will be affected the most
• The plan to pull funding from Planned Parenthood would hurt those who rely on public health care programs.
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