week10 the changing concept of career

intro to tri-sector leader


develop tri sector leadership skills

Employer-employee compact

Triple Strength Leadership

Reinventing Your Brand

Tours of duty

contemporary business can not operating solely but need to focus on the interconnect and between different sectors(government , business , non-for profit company )

the evolution of employer-employee relationships 20th VS 12th centuries

overcome systemic barriers across sectors

At the begining: Undergoing training and mentoring programs that incorporate
cross-sector concerns

End of career: Mentoring budding tri-sector leaders

Mid-career: undertaking fellowships

traditional employee loyalty initiatives are outdated

former job security assured by an employees good work has been destabilized.

need for employers to foster individual employee development.

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Tri-sector leader : individual who can apply their ability in different sector

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Main goal: sustainable development

Balancing competing motives

Developing Contextual Intelligence

Forgiving an Intellectual thread

Building Integrated network

Maintaining a prepared mind




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low employee turnover


characteristics of tri-sector leaders

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Combine idealism with pragmatism

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predictable career trajactories


have transferable skills to apply within different sectors

Define destination

leverage difference

Life-time employment and loyalty

develop a narrative

reintroduce yourself

Developing a contextual intelligence to connect with different sectors

Rapid unpredictable change – volatile

Winner take all mentality

Prove your worth

Building networks

always motivated and ready to take up positions

