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Incessant Chattering Tim. (Tier 1 :tada: ((Remind him to get back to…
Incessant Chattering Tim.
Goal is to reduce chatter while maintaining his self esteem
Tier 1 :tada:
Hand Signal
Have students in class take turns telling stories
Set time limits for Think-Pair-Share
Remind him to get back to academic talk
Give him the Teacher look
Put hand on desk next to his notebook
Get down to his eye level and ask him to engage in academic talk
Non Verbal Cues
Refocus form - reflects on behavior and takes responsibility for own decisions/actions
Talk to Tim and have him read off his behavior checklist stating expectation from him to his teacher
Tier 2 :red_flag:
Project Based Learning - Tim will have equity of voice and can contribute to enhancing learning of peers
PBIS Checklist
Share Data with Student Action Team (SAT)
Referral to school psychologist
Share data with certificated staff
Homework check to ensure parents are supporting him at home
Class DOJO to track behavior
Post class projects (pictures and videos) showing group work
MS Teams to collaborate with other teachers about how best to support him
FBA- Functional Behavior Assessment
RTI - Response to Intervention
Help him organize his notebook
Non Verbal Cues
Calm Time - Relax on bean bag in corner of the room
Pull Out program with parapro to build social skills
Collaboration :<3:
Specialist Teachers - Music, Art, PE, Library - give feedback on behavior during specials
Work with his peers to make sure he gets to show off his creativity and domain of knowledge during group projects
Bus driver gives feedback about behavior on bus
Get feedback from parapro about playground behavior
Communicate with parents using DOJO on all positive achievements of Tim :checkered_flag:
Positive Mentoring from Teacher
Help organize class notebook
Increase his positive self talk
Reassuring thoughts to increase his self esteem
Provide specific feedback on his project work
Catch him doing something right every period
Break down tasks into chunks