10th Grade I US History Government & Economics Mind Map

Political Systems

Foundations of US Government

Development of US Government

Economic Crises

1929 STOCK MARKET CRASH:The stock market crash of 1929 is known as the worst economic event recorded in world history. It started on October 24, 1929. The market downgraded 25% on Black Tuesday. By 1933 more than the half of America's banks had failed, and unemployment was reaching to 15 million people. The consequences of this tragedy was that people were forced to sell businesses and cash in their life savings. Marks,J. (2018). What Caused the Stock Market Crash of 1929? [online] HISTORY. Available at: https://www.history.com/news/what-caused-the-stock-market-crash-of-1929 [Accessed 1 Oct. 2018] 1929 crash

2008 Economic Crisis:

Bill of Rights: The Bill of Rights is the first 10 US amendments of the constitution. Created to address anti-federalists objections. Guarantees specific personal freedom and right and, limitations on government's power. This document is built upon earlier documents like the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the English Bill of Rights. It was ratified on December 15, 1791 image

Monarchy is a form of government that surrounds the law of one ruler. The head of state is called a monarch and it holds the power until death or resignation. Its position is passed by blood not by an election.

Wilde, R. (n.d.). You May Know the Royals, but What Exactly Is a Monarchy? Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-a-monarchy-1221597


Conservative Movement: This event started in 1960 and it was started by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The conservative movement was a term that describes the process through which control of the Republican Party has been taken by people with strong feelings in favor of robust national defense, low taxes, minimum government regulation, and traditional social values.


DICTATORSHIP: Dictatorship is when one person or a small group of people have absolute power. Some characteristics of dictators are that they usually rule autocracies and have totalitarian regimes. They restrict/remove economic, individual, and personal freedom.
Dictatorship | political science. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/dictatorship Garden, H., & Issues, P. (2018). How Dictators Work. Retrieved from https://people.howstuffworks.com/dictator2.htm Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at 13.23.00

2008 Economic Crisis:
The 2008 Economic Crisis occurred in September 29, 2008 and was caused due to banks targeting people who couldn't afford the loan the banks gave them to buy houses. The economic crisis took only 18 months to develop, while the great depression took 3 years.

Amadeo, K. (Sept. 8, 2018) Stock Market Crash of 2008. Retrieved from: https://www.thebalance.com/stock-market-crash-of-2008-3305535


FDR'S New Deal

Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was an economic movement that took action to give the people an immediate economic relief, and increasing the amount of the government's federal activities.
The New Deal also made reforms in industry, agriculture, finance, housing et al. The name came from a quote taken from FDR's presidency nomination acceptance speech in 1932.

Britannica, T. E. (2018, April 26). New Deal. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/event/New-Deal


DEMOCRACY Democracy is a political system based on citizen participation when it comes to making decisions for the country. Democracy began with the work of a man called Cleisthenes in Athens.
(2018). Retrieved from
Carr, K., & Carr, K. (2017). History of Democracy: Who invented democracy? Athens and Italy | Quatr.us Study Guides. Retrieved from https://quatr.us/government/who-invented-democracy.htm


Republic: Form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body.
Encyclopedia Britannica. (2018). republic | Definition, History, & Facts. [online] Available at: https://www.britannica.com/topic/republic-government [Accessed 1 Oct. 2018].

Communism: A communist economic systems are made up by the decisions of the public. All property, capital, and money are owned by the state. Private businesses are not allowed. All prices are regulated by the state disregarding all cost of production.
Source: Reading: The Communist Economic System | International Business. (2018). Courses.lumenlearning.com. Retrieved 1 October 2018, from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-internationalbusiness/chapter/reading-the-communist-economic-system/ 1200px-Communist_star_with_golden_border_and_red_rims.svg

Capitalism Capitalism is an economic system where private companies own their production, goods, resources and labor. The state has no ownership over any factors of the company and the profit goes to how the ownership is divided. The Capitalist system works on competition and makes many divides depending on your level of competition. The use of the free market for trading and profit is not divided like in other systems. The resources found by the company as theirs, such as the use of petroleum all supplies found by them and extracted are used y them and have the rights of use to that product or resource. Capitalism encourages private action in the sector and by making more competition more offer and goods are in the market this brings more wealth. Supply and demand draw the capitalist economy and it is often related to the monopolizing of the economy. The best competitors usually gets the best amount of income and has the best supply and demand. https://www.thebalance.com/capitalism-characteristics-examples-pros-cons-3305588 download-2

Socialism Socialism is an economic system where every individual in a community equally owns the factors of production. These factors are labor, entrepreneurship, capital goods, and natural resources. This ownership is obtained with a government elected democratically. Socialism is based upon the phrase: ”From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution." This means that every member in society receives a share of the production based on how much they have contributed. The more they work, the more they receive. Socialism was mostly based on the ideas of Karl Marx.
8 Types of Socialism. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.thebalance.com/socialism-types-pros-cons-examples-3305592 image

New Frontier
The term "New Frontier" refers to the economic and social programs of the John F. Kennedy presidency. Kennedy said his frontier was "a series of challenges, New Frontier was also very much a" set of promises "and a legislative agenda" to make the country move again. "Call for progress" essential civil and economic rights for the human dignity of all men, "raise the minimum wage, guarantee the same salary for women, rebuild the cities of the interior, increase federal aid for education, create an initial Peace Corps and develop a Medicare program to help the elderly. "

Bernstein, Irving. Promises Kept: John F. Kennedy's New Frontier. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Enlightenment Principles : The Principles stated in the enlightenment movement for the ideal government. Main principles: 1. Science and reason can explain all life. 2. The scientific method can explain the laws governing society. 3. Progress is based on the improvement of society which in so improves its people. 4. The individuals of a society are free, have the right to life, work, and pursuit of happiness william_via. (2012). The Enlightenment. Slideshare.net. Retrieved 1 October 2018, from https://www.slideshare.net/william_via/the-enlightenment-ss image

Constitution: The Constitution of the United States was singed on September 17, 1787 in the state of Philadelphia. The US Constitution is a document that establishes the fundamental laws and principles of the national government of the United States. It assures the citizens basic rights of freedom, security, and justice. Delegates wrote a planned a system for a stronger federal government which divided the government’s power in three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. The Constitution is composed of an introduction or Preamble, the main body consisting of seven articles, and amendments, which were added after the Constitution was created. The Preamble promotes domestic tranquility, security, and liberty. The main body sets up the government as a republic with separated powers, a system called checks and balances. The amendments were added along the years. The first ten, called the Bill of Rights, were added in 179; so far, there have been 27 amendments added to the US Constitution.

US Constitution. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.enchantedlearning.com/history/us/documents/constitution/

Constitution. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/united-states-constitution/constitution

They not only believe in personal liberty but also economic freedom. Libertarians believe that the only role of government in the economic realm is to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected.Libertarians believe that taxes have the same effect as over-reaching regulations and are a confiscation of the property of other people. Libertarians believe in eliminating taxes whenever possible.

Resource:The Economy. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.lp.org/issues/the-economy/

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"Great Society" LBJ-Matthew Rivas- Government use a "war against poverty", economic opportunity, act programs, job training, small business loans, increased speed of public education, medicine and medical, Increased medical care for elderly and poor. Wholesome meat of 1967 has offered increased protection to customers. Immigration act of 1965 is a new immigration system that allowed more immigrants into the United States.

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