Culture of place as expressed in archit, streetscape, heritage arch, noise, colour, street life, energy, vitality, lifestyles
S. culture is that of a WC. Interesting combo of old + new arch. Unique features e.g. Olympic Park, geography (beautiful)
- gen. narrow, treelined, leafy
- widened, > pedestrian friendly bc US '80s+'90s
- some inc cit subs still v. narrow (Newtown, Redfern) bc local councils don't want spend money
- CBD preserved heritage of area (kept historical buildings) e.g. Circular Quay, Macquarie St, Bridge St, China Town
- Cafe streetscapes outside CBD (Newtown, Paddington)
- Redfern -> Ab.
Architecture + Heritage:
- Famous for Harbour Bridge, Syd Op House, CenterPoint Tower
- Imp. heritage buildings:Town hall, St Mary's Cathedral, Old Sydney Hospital , Sydney GPO (now Westin hotel), QVB.
- Today have modern arch, complements historical arch e.g. Barangaroo, Cockle Bay
Noise, colour, street life, vitality:
- lack parking + op'g times restrict amount ppl going cit to socialise -> lack restaurants, cafes
- Coffee + Beer culture in incit subs (Pyrmont, Haymarket, Ultimo)
- Martin Place memorial service ANZAC day
- George St holds official parades e.g. NRL/AFL winner, remembrance + honour parades for police, Olympians
Vitality + Energy:
- momentum of CBD brisk, seem cold, esp during bus. hrs bc employees limited break times
- constantly buzzing
- Buskers (regular+new) + street music, Martin Place, Pitt St Mall
- Lg amounts noise traffic...S v. busy, high amounts traffic in CBD's George St + King's St in inwest Newtown. Constant flow cars + buses
- v. colourful during festivities e.g. Aus Day, NYE, Vivid, Chines New Year
- dif opinions: some "sterile, lack greenery" others "Hyde park + Domain adequate greenery"
- overall, city adaptable, able cater most tastes, lifestyles
- determine by where live, work, what eat, clothes, socialise
- relatively casual lifestyle partic. ass. w/ beach + harbour in Summer
- mass sporting venues (golf courses, cricket fields) give Sydneysiders sense enjoyment + belonging
- village lifestyle emerged e.g. Balmain, Paddington, Surry Hills (sit have coffee, trendy)
- type entertainment consumed = cultural barrier. Divides into 'high brow' (ballet/opera)+ 'low brow' (pub). Same w/ restaurants e.g restaurants vs RSL. high prices upper class eateries encourage snobbery
- CoP can -> neg representations e.g. Estn subs exclusivity vs 'westies'. Oft. bc 'culture of ignorance' generalisation + insensitivity re: diversity ppl + incomes.
Urban Dynamics infl'd CoP:
- suburbanisation: poor layout streetscapes bc lack planning. urban planners seek max profits > improvement CoP
- UC: usu. improves CoP, incrs. availability services
- UD: deterioration CoP, reduced vitality as ppl move away
- UV: unique CoP, usu. develops good atmosphere bc ass. w/ a common culture + identity.