AS Marketing - Promotion 💥

Objectives :

Demonstrate superior specifications or qualities

Create or reinforce brand image

Increase purchases by attracting new consumers

Correct misleading reports about product

Existing product reminders

Develop the public image

Increase sales by increasing consumer awareness

Encourage retailers to stock and promote products


Persuasive advertising

Which media to use?

Informative advertising


Size of audience

Profile of target audience

Message to be communicated

Marketing mix aspects

Legal constraints

Other methods :

Below the line promotion

Above the line promotion

Sales promotion

Customer loyalty schemes

Money refunds

Money off coupon

Buy one, get one free

Price promo

Point of sale display


Public relations (PR)

Trade fairs and exhibitions


Direct mail

Personal selling

Promotion expenditure budgets :

Competitor based budget

What the business can afford

Objective based budgeting

Incremental budgeting

Percentage of sales