Based on a study by Marshal, Hill, Wallace & Dodrill (2018), parents are to understand therapeutic methods for intervention. Parents have the option to have the therapist come once daily for 10 days or once every week for 10 weeks. This study is for children who have a complex medical history as well as feeding difficulties. Feeding strategies entailed operant conditioning or systematic desensitization. In this study, it was found that parents whose children were medically complex, were not patient when undergoing intervention; they were ready to focus on other developmental areas. This took part in some of the feeding difficulties found in children. As soon as this was addressed and shown through evidence, the parents were understanding. Interventions were successful. (Marshall, Hill, Wallace, & Dodrill, 2018).
Activity: Intervention will be planned out with parent over a long period of time. As a therapist, I will respect the wishes of the parent because, ultimately, parent knows best. But intervention will take time and will need at least 10 -12 weeks for feeding therapy. This will occur in the Jason's home because that is where he is most comfortable and continues to incorporate his daily routines.
Sensory Desensitization Strategies: allows Jason to develop skills while adapting to the new texture, forms of feeding, and chewing; one step at a time (Pearl, 2018).
Therapist should understand child cueing and take a step back if he becomes too stressed, to establish clamness and trust moving forward.
Child should: 1) tolerate/look, 2) interact, 3) smell, 4) touch, 5) taste, 6) eat
Operant Conditioning Strategies: is a skill used to help the child get over their fear. Using this method will hypothetically push Jason to refine those sensory exploration skills, which will lead to overall progression in feeding over time (Pearl, 2018).
Focus is to change meal time behavior by expanding the variety of foods accepted, increase the ingested volume, and target a specific behavior or skill
Immediately give reinforcement: "good bite, nice eating"
Consequence is ignoring behavior, visual time out, verbal instruction or redirection, and hand-over-had redirected behavior
Therapist needed to monitor bites taken, volume eaten, refusal behaviors, reactions to sensations, and self-feeding