After reading the Listening Chapter, there was so much about listening that I didn't know about until reading it. It's so cool that there is so much to listening. For me personally, I thought there was just one meaning to listening but there are ways of bad listening, effective listening, types of listening, etc... A concept from the reading that really intrigues me are the 10 Principles of Listening, specifically 2. Preparing Yourself to Listen and 7. Avoid Personal Prejudice. These two principles stood out to me most because I don't really prepare myself to listen. I just listen. With preparing to listen, you can focus and not worry about other thoughts. I will definitely use this in future conversations with anyone. The other principle is avoiding personal prejudice. If I were the listener and the speaker is being racist and just flat out rude, I always would say "That's not right". So this principle for me will take me time to get use to but will definitely try my best to incorporate it when listening to others.