The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights

Charters of the VA Company of London

Magna Carta

VA Declaration of Rights

Declaration of Independence

VA Statute for Religious Freedom

Articles of Confederation

It limited the powers of the King, and gave citizens right to a fair trial. The problem was that it only applied to free men, and it started a war

Limited government, rule of law

It was an agreement between King John and "The Barons" in 1215, but it was reissued many times

Rule of Law

It promised people that they would have the same rights as Englishmen in the new colony of Jamestown, and it granted permission to start the Jamestown colony

Written and signed by King James in 1607

All Virginians had Freedom of press, religion, the right to vote and the right to a free trial. It became the basis for other legal documents.

The church and state were separate so that people had freedom of religion, you did not have to pay for church unless you wanted to.

Limited government

Written by Thomas Jefferson in 1779

All people had equal rights, and it listed why colonists did not like the rule of the king. It said that "we the people" should have the authority,

Consent of the peopl

Written by Thomas Jefferson and signed in 1776

National government, most power was in each state and less power in the national government. It failed because it created a weak federal government,

Limited government

It was written by the founding fathers in 1871

Written by George Mason, approved on June 12th, 1776

Democracy, representative government